game Xbox One » Halo: Spartan Assault Box Cover
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Halo: Spartan Assault box art cover
By avatar darthmarticus 11 on December 30th, 2013

Didn't like the idea of having a new Halo game but not a new addition to the shelf of games! Came here looking for a cover and couldn't find one so thought I'd have a shot myself. Bear in mind I have never expressed interest in making covers, I never researched in any way how to approach this and I had never used Photoshop before today and I threw this together (barely) in about 2 hours. Will do a better one when I know how to use Photoshop properly!

You have no idea it took to find a standard template of the correct resolution for rear, spine and front of an xbox one game all connected so credit goes to 'CoverPrototype' for his detailed template for the covers, and also 'Hades' for his template for the case for displaying it here. Best viewed in the printable download and should be ready to print and use.

EDIT: This wasn't intended to look professional, it was just for my personal use - this is why the bottom bit on the rear is nothing like an actual case. Until a proper high detailed scan of the bottom bit of an xbox one game is available I'll just stick with my random amalgamation of logos and words!

FINAL EDIT: Due to the surprising number of positive comments I thought I'd attempt to make it look official now so found and used the xbox one template 'Hazzy25' which despite containing some errors, did contain the bit at the bottom I required. So yes the copyright info and barcode are from Assassin's Creed but I assume the idea is that these aren't genuine and are rather there to make it look official. Now go download the printable version and thanks for the support!

[ Box updated on June 8th, 2016 ] [ original ]

comments Halo: Spartan Assault Box Cover Comments

Comment on darthmarticus's Halo: Spartan Assault Box Art / Cover.

Oddmania 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

It looks remarkably good for a first whack at it. Way to go! Just don't forget the ESRB/PEGI logo on the front cover.

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Swear to god I had this on haha! Will correct this soon.

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for the kind words as well! Added the appropriate logo! Also found a much better logo for Vanguard Games (took ages to get it in to Photoshop in the right format) and made the cover look more evened out at the bottom.

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BenBrownDesign 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Not bad at all for your first Photoshop attempt mate. There have definitely been ones far FAR worse. I agree with Odd, also. I wish my first covers on Photoshop looked this good. Can't wait to see what you produce when you're comfortable with Photoshop if this is what you're producing now!

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks! Very nice comments, wasn't planning on more but may do!

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Daemon 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Pretty good for a first. Back is a bit text heavy but not bad.

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Hmm I spent a while looking over this. I didn't know whether to have three of the text sections or all 6, also wondered what order to put them in. In the end, because I was making it mainly for the front and spine I left all the text there, seeing as that's all I felt the back needed to convey for myself.

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SitDownCreepa 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

I wouldn't be surprised if they contacted you to ask if they could use it with a couple modifications. Dude you could start a small side-carrier with this.

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Cheers! When I get around to doing a proper one with the right specification and barcode and stuff it'll look even more real hopefully.

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

Erm 5000 views?? That's more than any other Xbox One artwork in the site and I wasn't even going to upload this...

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Agow234 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Do you make physical copies? And how much would you charge for one.?

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darthmarticus 11 [ 1 decade ago ]

I just made this for a bit of fun haha! I put the print out on here though :)

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darthmarticus 11 [ 8 years ago ]

Just a minor update since I can't edit the description - it's been a few years since I made this but having just released the Spartan Strike case I made some slight alterations to this case, such as making the Vanguard logo white to match the rest and moving around some of the text on the back.

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