Yeah for Shape Comp, I had such a hard time coming up with anything so I threw this together last moment. Not my best, the front is partly inspired by the Beatles. Enjoy
8-Bit Theater Cover Comments
Comment on darthnater's 8-Bit Theater Cover.
Yeah for Shape Comp, I had such a hard time coming up with anything so I threw this together last moment. Not my best, the front is partly inspired by the Beatles. Enjoy
Comment on darthnater's 8-Bit Theater Cover.
Haha, I loved this comic a while back. Nice job, although the skewing could use some work.
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Yeah, I read through it about a year ago, quickly became one of my favorites. On the skewing, Paint.NET (the program I use) is damn near impossible to get a good angle with. Somewhere along the line I just said F.T.S. and rolled with it.
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