movie Movies » Daredevil Box Cover
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Daredevil box art cover
By avatar Monetman1 36 on March 5th, 2018
print No Printable Available

Yo! What's going on guys? I have taken a loonngg break from VGBA, 2 years, wow.

With the site finally looking like it's growing in popularity again, (which is fantastic!) I thought it was about time I create another box art. Not only to help the site thrive but to see just how much I have improved since my last box.

However, before doing that I thought it would be a good idea to finish off a lot of my W.I.P. Turns out I have had this box art completed for years! I just never uploaded it. So here is the first box art in a long time, and hopefully not the last!

I hope you guys absolutely love it because frankly, I think this box is actually pretty good for 16 year old me. Now I would say thanks to all the people that helped critique this box, but honestly, I have forgotten who helped! So to those who did help, thank you!

Anyway, I will let you get on with your lives now! Have a great day!

comments Daredevil Box Cover Comments

Comment on Monetman1's Daredevil Box Art / Cover.

Jullrouu 41 [ 6 years ago ]

One of ur best for sure...nice work man.. ^^

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks, man! It means a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for your designs too!

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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

@Jullrouu you're alive?

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Iceman423626 35 [ 6 years ago ]

glad to have you back!!!!! awesome cover

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]


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Vince_1990 47 [ 6 years ago ]

Love it man, well done. Whats next?

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks! Not quite sure what's next yet... I think I have two more designs which I need to finish off.

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Mohit 43 [ 6 years ago ]

Beautifully designed.....

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thank you Mohit. :)

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spypilot 43 [ 6 years ago ]

Very nice, I'm a big fan of the series and this certainly does it justice.

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thank you! I'm glad that you think that!

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Wolfenstein The Old 40 [ 6 years ago ]

background image is not very well selected judging by everything and render is also poor-quality Summarizing, I can say that it looks like 3/10

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]


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pogo 44 [ 6 years ago ]

nice work :)

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks pogo!

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BenBrownDesign 42 [ 6 years ago ]

I do really like the layout of this in general, but the quality is my biggest (and only) issue. The highest quality things on there are the Blu-ray and Daredevil logos on the spine. With a layout this well done though, I can look past the quality issues. Good job!

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks for your feedback! When I designed this logo only season one had been released. I wanted to only show Daredevil in his classic costume. As his costume was only in one episode of the season, my resources were quite limited. But I worked with what I could! Thanks for the comment!

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Venom 41 [ 6 years ago ]

Welcome back mate! Looks sick!

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanks Venom!!

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5Y5KPGSRBLT 1 [ 6 years ago ]

grandma and grandpa say hi btw, this is cool art

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Cool thank you! Tell them I say hi!

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Monetman1 36 [ 6 years ago ]

To whoever put all the bots on my page. Please remove them now.

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lucidhalos 43 [ 5 years ago ]

I totally missed this when it was initially posted, but I must say this is very nice. I especially love the detail you did with the circles and the slightly angled treatment of the back. The dynamic touch is super nice.

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Monetman1 36 [ 5 years ago ]

Thank you Lucidhalos, I'm glad you like it!

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