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Disney's The Little Mermaid box art cover
By avatar CruSadEr 10 on April 9th, 2007
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comments Disney's The Little Mermaid Box Cover Comments

Comment on CruSadEr's Disney's The Little Mermaid Box Art / Cover.

CruSadEr 10 [ 1 decade ago ]

I love Happy Endings.

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KILLERMIKE 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#1, I SURE AS HELL DON' the this supposed to be a happy one?

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Pikachu 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Nice box. 4/5. A tad grainy, but I can live with that. Good job, man.

P.S. Would it be gay if I said that I like this movie? (It's my daughter's fault.)

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Pikachu 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, your story will have a happy ending. You will get banned and we will all celebrate. That is quite happy- FOR US!!!

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E_G 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

#1, Congratulations you've created one of the most girly boxes on the site and for that you get respect points.

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sockeymeow 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

only a true man can be brave enough to make this box 4.5/5

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sockeymeow 25 [ 1 decade ago ]

*cough credit Blink for temp cough*

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Tales of Symphony 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

i like the little mermaid! but beauty and the beast is better =]

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shadysaiyan 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5, I completely agree, funny too, but this box is nice.

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alldreamsfalldown 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

LOOK LOOK!!!! There's that penis in the castle again!!!!

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DeathSpawn11 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

#10, ZOMG!!!!!! cover your eyes children!!!!!!!!!!

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Claws0 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#11 to late mine already saw it Lol

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lord_arcanus 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

crusader is the manliest guy on the site.

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CruSadEr 10 [ 1 decade ago ]

Umm credit to blink for the temp

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Ratchetcomand 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

Cool , are you going to make a lion King box next ?

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finalfantaseer22 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#15, dont give him ideas! >.<

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Claws0 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

16# to late he already did

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

did you guys know that one of the artist of the little mermaid drew the castle and he drew a hidden penis in there, look for it, if you dont find it ill post a pic with it pointed out

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#18 Did you really need to bump this old box with such a ridiculous comment?
I doubt thats true tbh, this is a childrens film.

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xIAMHUNTERx 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

*sighs* Why are people so ignorant and gullible?


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numerobetically 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

aaaawwww this is so girly! i love it. and #20 thats hilarious.

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#20 Agreed.

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Ladykiller 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

#20, After seeing that, I'm not sure my little sister will ever watch this movie again XD

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xIAMHUNTERx 43 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Techne 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

I can't help but look at it >:[

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

#24, yes it is

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xIAMHUNTERx 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#26, Again... link

You can't believe everything people tell you.

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

#27, i looked it up and the story behind the artist is that he got fired for some reason but he go a chance to finish the boxart, so for some revenge he drew a penis on the castle, it looks just like a fricken penis, or doesnt it?

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xIAMHUNTERx 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Oh, for the love of...

Claim: One of the castle spires on the cover of Disney's The Little Mermaid home video was deliberately drawn as a phallus by a disgruntled artist.

Status: FALSE (see?)

Origins: One of the castle spires in the Artwork in question background of The Little Mermaid promotional artwork bears an unmistakable resemblance to a penis, so much so that many people are unwilling to dismiss the drawing as mere accident or coincidence. Rumors started circulating shortly after the release of the videocassette edition of The Little Mermaid that the phallic object had been deliberately drawn as a last act of defiance by a disgruntled Disney artist who was miffed at being notified that he would be laid off at the conclusion of the project. THE PLAIN TRUTH IS THAT THE RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN THE CASTLE SPIRE AND A PENIS WAS PURELY ACCIDENTAL, AND IT WAS DRAWN BY AN ARTIST WHO WAS NEITHER DISGRUNTLED NOR ABOUT TO BE DISMISSED.

First of all, the artist who created the video cover art DID NOT WORK FOR DISNEY ITSELF, thus he was neither "disgruntled with Disney" nor "about to be fired." We questioned the artist, who also drew artwork for Little Mermaid theatrical advertising, pop-ups, greeting cards, Happy Meal boxes, and CDs. The theatrical posters were done before the original release of the film, but the video cover art was not created until a few months before the home video version hit the market. Rushed to complete the video artwork (featuring towers that were rather phallic to begin with), the artist hurried through the background detail (at "about four in the morning") and inadvertently drew one spire that bore a rather close resemblance to a penis. The artist himself didn't notice the resemblance until a member of his youth church group heard about the controversy on talk radio and called him at his studio with the news. The later laserdisc release of the film was issued with a cover containing an altered version of the infamous spire. Contrary to common belief, the phallic-like spire did not make its first appearance with the cover to the home video version. The same background drawing of the castle, with the same spires, appeared in promotional material and posters that accompanied the film's original theatrical release. The video cover does differ slightly from the original version, but the castle shown in the background is the same in both versions. (Later versions of the laserdisc cover were altered to remove the offending spire.)

Sheesh. Kids these days.

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numerobetically 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

#29 i think it's funny that you said "kids these days" when you're only 15. granted, you're probably more mature than your age but it's still funny. (not saying anything agaist you btw)

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xIAMHUNTERx 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is what we like to call "being facetious", dear.

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E-FlowGFX 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

#29, i read the thing but whatever, its my opinion, i think its a penis

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#32 Then you have a sick mind... or you just like penis?

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DrDoomsday 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#33, what the hell does it look like!? sure, he didn't mean to draw it, but granted, it still looks like one.

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Reza 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Err, i think #32 your looking way too far into the picture. Besides, aren't some of Disney's creators/artists renowned for taking hallucinogens while making their films (well maybe not their recent ones)?

CruSadEr is the man of the house now. I'm gonna fav it for having the balls alone. Not bad box art either.

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#34 Just because it looks like one doesn't mean it is one.
For example, a Rabbit looks a bit like a Hare but they are different animals.
DrDoomsday, Stop flaming me for no reason! You've always had something against me ever since i criticised your "Ass's Creed" box.
This needs to stop so just grow up yeah and stop holding a grudge yeah?
Call a truce.

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DrDoomsday 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#36, check your PM's. I don't wanna start arguing on someone's box page.

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#37 I dont have any PM from you =[

EDIT: Ok now i do.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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iEmO 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

You guys are funny! :)

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Dark Koopa 1 [ 1 decade ago ]


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