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Tomb Raider II box art cover
By avatar TheTombRaider 46 on December 18th, 2014
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This is a simple box art for Tomb Raider II
Thanks to FrankBedbroken for the help in the WIPs, and Carlj1497 & Spypilot for the early guidance.
Constructive Criticism is appreciated ^.^

comments Tomb Raider II Box Cover Comments

Comment on TheTombRaider's Tomb Raider II Box Art / Cover.

FrankBedbroken 46 [ 9 years ago ]

When I mentioned text, I was thinking of a black box next to Lara, similar to what you did on Tomb Raider: Uncharted. But this looks better, in my opinion.

As I said, I really like it. Nice job, Nathan! :)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I actually did that at first, but it looked like Lara was getting smacked by a big black block... so I changed it haha

Thanks Frank, and thanks for your help in the WIPs ^.^

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

If your name is Nathan, how do you possibly think Uncharted is worse than Tomb Raider?

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

How can you possibly think my name can influence how much I like a game?

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

@TheTombRaider idk, if there was a dude in a game named spypilot it would be my favorite game.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Well my favourite franchises are Tomb Raider, Zelda and Mario, there's no one called Nathan in any of them.

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

@TheTombRaider If you really wanted it to be, the name of Link could be Nathan.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@spypilot I'll pass

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WiECZUR9611 42 [ 9 years ago ]

Heh, nice ;) it's similar to my Assassin's Creed collection :)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks man!
It isn't really similar, it's just that we both used silhouettes.

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WiECZUR9611 42 [ 9 years ago ]

@TheTombRaider yeah, yeah, you're right ;) but it remembers me about my collection, that I think ;) again, good job ;)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I can definitely see what you mean, again, thanks :)

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Huegh 43 [ 9 years ago ]

Honestly, I really don't like it.

The whole box seems to be lazy all the way through. Silhouettes make it boring, text feels plastered on, and the re-used renders don't exactly help.

Sorry, not a fan.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I can understand what you mean.
But that's just the art style I went for, and I can respect you don't like the style.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice man, I really like this one. Maybe flip and play with some of the tree renders so they look a bit different. But overall good work Nathan!

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Yeah I kinda agree with you there, I should've done that.
Thanks for the compliments, Vince! ^.^

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danny-21_ 37 [ 9 years ago ]

Gonna kinda contradict another commenter here and say I actually really dig the silhouettes, and the cool layered jungle thing you've got going on there. One thing I'd say is the game's name on the spine would be nice :)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I tried having the logo on the spine, but it didn't look right.
Nonetheless, thanks for the kind words, Danny! ^.^

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danny-21_ 37 [ 9 years ago ]

@TheTombRaider Ah, that's fair enough then. As a collector it just pains me whenever a spine's like that, but that's largely down to me having the burning desire to display everything perfectly on a shelf xD

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I'm also a collector, I know what you mean xD

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Yes it's a simple box but it looks great.
The only thing I could say is that the spine looks unnecessary, unless you add the title or the playstation logo on it.
But shit, this still great.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks man, I really appreciate that! ;)

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lucidhalos 43 [ 9 years ago ]

I really like the layering and colors chosen. Very nice. I especially love the splash of black through the vines and foreground.

Echoing other commenters though, this definitely needs a title in the spine otherwise the it's pretty useless because you wouldn't be able to tell what the box is on a shelf.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Since so many people have mentioned this, I'll add it in.
Thanks Lucid!! ^.^

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shirazihaa 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice Job ;)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks Amin ;)

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

Actual criticism here; I don't really know how it could be fixed, but the description text kinda ruins the flow you have going on, I still like the box but it would be much nicer if the text blended into the design a little better.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

That's just it though, I don't know how that can be fixed.

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spypilot 43 [ 9 years ago ]

@TheTombRaider you try cutting out the tree that covers the majority of the temple on the back, and putting the text there?

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@spypilot I'll try it

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iman pro 50 [ 9 years ago ]

nice work

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks Iman ^.^

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aradfilm100 44 [ 9 years ago ]

Nice Job

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thank you :)

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aldimon 22 [ 9 years ago ]

wow, gud

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]


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matingsm 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Different Style Of You,Good Job Nathan . . .

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

It is isn't it, thanks Matin :)

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Squall234 44 [ 9 years ago ]

The only thing I don't like is the font placement. The logo to me doesn't look right down there and I feel should be a little more focused. Maybe if you moved the back Laura render and pushed in more on the side so you could have had the logo behind the mountains? Just an idea or concept that came to my head. Also I agree that the description ruins the flow of the design. Maybe if you had it behind a rock to make it stand out and keep the design's concept. Overall, I love the colors and creativity. Good job man :)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks man, I'll see what I can do :)

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Warsony 43 [ 9 years ago ]

I just love the effect you used is elegant and also the environment is very striking, one of the best games! Very cute my friend :D

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks Walter, this is one of my favourite games as well! ^.^

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zalayetta 43 [ 9 years ago ]


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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thank you!!

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matingsm 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Congrats Nathan . . .

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks Matin!

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Ulquiorra 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Two HOF in two days O_o
Congrats, you deserve it!

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

I know I was shocked to see this, thanks a lot man! :)

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Vince_1990 47 [ 9 years ago ]

Congratulations Nathan. I love this case

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks for the kind words Vince! :)

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shirazihaa 50 [ 9 years ago ]

Congrats Nathan ;)

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thank you Amin ^.^

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Wow, two Hall of Fames in two days, thank you everyone! ^.^

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Pharaoh 37 [ 9 years ago ]

I like it. Nice and clean.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks :)

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