game PlayStation 4 » Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Box Cover
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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag box art cover
By avatar White Wolf 46 on July 14th, 2013

[ Box updated on July 15th, 2013 ] [ original ]

comments Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Box Cover Comments

Comment on White Wolf's Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Box Art / Cover.

aldimon 22 [ 1 decade ago ]

My god, that's so awesome, I don't even know where to start.
This I like.
I like the arrangement on the back, absolutely awesome and looks damn official.
The front is absolutely state of art, i love how the assassin stands out, this is so much better than the official design, I'm in love.

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aldimon 22 [ 1 decade ago ]

Please add a printable.

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White Wolf 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

@aldimon wow, thank man! Glad you liked it. ;)
Well, i don't usually add printables, but since you asked... :)

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aldimon 22 [ 1 decade ago ]

@White Wolf
Thanks man!
Im so gonna use this for my Black Flag video game as soon as i purchase it :D

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

I personally think the front image could be slightly bigger (maybe Kenway could overlap the logo a bit, to give it more depth) but that's just me ;) The image really seems like a perfect fit as a front cover for the game, great job ;)

That back is so nice! I'm really liking the usage of the scroll and the AC symbol (it really gives the box a pirate-like feeling) The arrangement of the text is very clever and the 'curly graphics' gives the screenbar something extra.

The only small nitpick on the back that I'd have, is the spacing between the words: 'epic and infamous adventure'. I think it would look better, if that sentence was aligned to the left side (so it reduces the gaps between the words)

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White Wolf 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks man! :)
I'll see what i can do boss. ;)

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

@White Wolf boss, lol ;)

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Sentinel 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

The back is really full and Complete.
Nice box.
It deserves HOF.

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White Wolf 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Box and Print updated.
So, on the back i've ajusted that small issue, now, on front i tried but i can't really do much because if i increase the render size we would start seeing the "official" Kenway of that image, so the render has to have the exact same size as the one on the image.

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Bastart 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

I see, so that doesn't really works out well. The info on the back looks a lot better this way though.

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White Wolf 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

@Bastart :)

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1703joe 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

this is great, its much better than mine

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neymar1393 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

How to Create this COVER????
Which software???
PLS ANSWER ME.........

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tedmond1 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thank you very much for your efforts.

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Congrats man

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