game PlayStation 3 » Killzone: Ice/Flame Helghan Edition Box Cover
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Killzone: Ice/Flame Helghan Edition box art cover
By avatar waterlordo 33 on October 30th, 2011
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comments Killzone: Ice/Flame Helghan Edition Box Cover Comments

Comment on waterlordo's Killzone: Ice/Flame Helghan Edition Box Art / Cover.

waterlordo 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

Just Something I Made COMPLETELY For Fun, So Don't Bag on Me or Anything. Loll, I was Bored, and Then I Found this Artwork, on Google xD And I Knew I Had to Use it lmao ...

But Anyways, What Do You Guys Think ?! :D

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AgentLampshade 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

The Stormtroopers are in Killzone?

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waterlordo 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, They Aren't Stormtroopers -__- Lmao They Are Called Helghans xD

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aelixus 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

I love the Flame version.

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AgentLampshade 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, I know, I was referring to the white one which looks like a stormtrooper.

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waterlordo 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5, Oh.. Loll. And #4, Thanks :D

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madoublex 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, I have to agree with aelixus, the flame version is MUCH better. I like how it has a Russian propaganda feel to it. Would look nice if it were implemented into an actual Killzone box. Also, can we see a link to the artwork?

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