game Xbox 360 » Eldritch: An Everlasting Nightmare Box Cover
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Eldritch: An Everlasting Nightmare box art cover
By avatar ultrAction 21 on October 29th, 2011
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Comment on ultrAction's Eldritch: An Everlasting Nightmare Box Art / Cover.

ultrAction 21 [ 1 decade ago ]


This was a custom box that I was working on a long long time ago that I eventually lost interest in. But, yah know, since All Hallows Eve is in a few days I decided I should finish this up, being I imagine it being a co-op survival horror.

The box started out solely custom, but I couldn't resist to use some Stephan Gammell art; either by blending one of his drawings into the design or doing my rendition of some of his work.

Inspiration: I forget what first really inspired me. I believe it was the game that got cancelled for the Wii, Sadness. I imagine this game being a survival horror in which, Helen (the girl on the front) is in a coma and her family eventually consults a psychic. (yes, when thinking about the story I copied the movie Insidious somewhat)... So, Helen's soul is trapped in the astral realm and someone must enter into this sinister dimension and save her. Also -- before I had even heard of the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent, I felt that this would have gameplay very similar, in which you have no weapons and walk around with a lantern/torch hiding and running away from ... "evil things...." maybe there would be some instances where you could defend yourself. Yeah, so I was inspired by Sadness, Insidious and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Art: I actually hand drew much of this. The tree on the back was a rendition of Stephen Gammell art, as well as the skull thing in the top right of the back cover. The title on the front as well as the tagline on the back were hand drawn. I hand drew the characters "form" and clothing, then took pictures of myself and girlfriend to make clothing textures and our heads.

That is aboooot all I suppose.

I am actually not new to the sight. So don't feel compelled to fav because this seems to be my first box, because it's not. My old account was pigeon_face. I really felt the need to start fresh and not use the account I had a friend make for me when I was a freshman in high school.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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madoublex 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

This my friend, is a true work of art.

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super-mega-hyper-sonic 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

We found our new Draxxx

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ultrAction 21 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3 I wouldn't go so far as to say that. Flattering, though.

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aelixus 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is full of awesome!

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del337er 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Wonderful job, the color and composition are both spot-on!

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AgentLampshade 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, Don't be so humble, this is really incredible. I always salute a man who hand-draws his boxes, and with this talent, you very well could be our new Draxxx. Keep at it!

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ultrAction 21 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for the positive feedback, fellas. It is ridiculous how many hours must have went into this over the past 6 months or so. Not only until recently did I put a lot of time and effort towards it. I'm thinking 50+ hours, total. I scratched so many ideas and essentially started over several times. I'm a little upset because I drew a lot more stuff that I thought would look cool integrated into the design in some way, but I ended up not using a lot of it because I couldn't get it to flow the way I wanted.

I have some new boxes on the way, trying to be as original as possible.

Thanks again for the author favs and everything.

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MattStar 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Wow this is one of the more artistically inspiring things I've seen in a while. Amazing.

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