game PlayStation 3 » Sonic Generations Box Cover
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Sonic Generations box art cover
By avatar stevanR80 37 on June 6th, 2011

[ Box updated on November 10th, 2011 ] [ original ]

comments Sonic Generations Box Cover Comments

Comment on stevanR80's Sonic Generations Box Art / Cover.

stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Been Working on this one for a few days now and I am really happy with it. I'll admit the presentation was sort of rushed but I was so eager to get this out here. I will most likely be updating the back or just changing it completely because i'm not really a fan of it anymore. But anyways, here's my box, let me know what you think!


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twoxT 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Aside from Sonic floating around on the back, this looks good! :D

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Eggboy'13 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

There's a few REEAALLY clever things you've done here..
I especially like the Sonic render on the back.

But I think the temp should have been left normal.

Front's great, btw.

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Reza 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

This came out awesome dude, really effective.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for the commments everyone! I'm pleased you like it. and I was actually gonna give it a go in the normal temp and update, but i want the temp to be creative also.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

*Update* switched the white temp to black

and i know this games not only on playstation lol

Edited at 1 decade ago

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burgerking13 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

nice box.

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Higashi89 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

The front is awesome, but the back is just ok.
Overall it's a good box art. Keep up the good work.

Also, where did you find this PS3 3D perspective template?

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DaiShougunate9872 2 [ 1 decade ago ]

Looks like the game's official box art. Are you sure you don't work as an artist for Sega? Cause this is really good!

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Luigi53 32 [ 1 decade ago ]

I will now favorite this.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

*Updated* changed the whole boxart into an outer box, and added a sleeker presentation. Thanks for viewing!

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]


Un-faving just so I can re-fav xD

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madoublex 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

I like the custom template. Awesome job. FAV!

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twoxT 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

I kinda liked this presentation better. :/
Anyways, this deserves a HoF!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12 LOL

#14 really? I thought that presentation was just too white. But to each their own i guess. and thanks!

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soniccovers 6 [ 1 decade ago ]

i really, really, really love the front cover transition thing

the T rating annoys me a little though

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

What is the rating on it? E10+?

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

It's rated E, all Sonic games (Except Shadow the Hedgehog) is rated E.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

*Updated* changed rating to E, and i'm thinking about doing a disc aswell

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Lokao0 24 [ 1 decade ago ]

Why the developers/publishers won't acess this site?
It's awesome.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

*Updated* Added a disc to the presentation and added a printable.

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tleeart 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

This looks great, man. Kinda surprised it's not HoF yet. It belongs there.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks Tim. Much appreciated man.

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Lokao0 24 [ 1 decade ago ]

Not sure you noticed, but the reflection on the front is kind of messed up.
Like, for example, the SEGA logo reflection is not aligned with the one in the front.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

FINALLY got around to fixing these 2 annoying flaws. Fixed the random white line on the right of the front, and fixed the sega logo on the reflection. It's finally done....

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xXStiffyJiffyXx 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

Sweet! I really like the transition from new school to old school! Fav+

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks alot man

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Ayron 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm actually quite a fan of how you blended the two artstyles together. The backgrounds blend together awesomely as well!

Definitely a +fav from me.

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beardedwalrus 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is fantastic, my friend.

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stevanR80 37 [ 1 decade ago ]

Much obliged guys! almost 40!

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BioHazard-92 13 [ 1 decade ago ]

Awesome!! Good job blending the two styles together

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats on the hall!

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Higashi89 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congratulations my friend

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willo10 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Well it's about time.

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Simobros17 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

really awesome

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