Okay First things First.. I thought of this idea in school just sketching out some ideas ( math class lol ) and thought it would be and awesome sequel to Red Dead Redemption! So right when i got home i started working.. three days later finished and i was trying to add it when it said red dead revenge is already in data base so low and behold it is going to be the actual name of the next Red Dead! i thought that was pretty odd :P but anyways enjoy!
Okay First things First.. I thought of this idea in school just sketching out some ideas ( math class lol ) and thought it would be and awesome sequel to Red Dead Redemption! So right when i got home i started working.. three days later finished and i was trying to add it when it said red dead revenge is already in data base so low and behold it is going to be the actual name of the next Red Dead! i thought that was pretty odd :P but anyways enjoy!
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Temps are
Steel Box- Ladykiller
Xbox box- Ninty
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Proof that there is even going to be a sequel to RDR.
And the idea was actually thought up by Joeseye.
Aside from that the box looks good.
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o well im new here my bad i just thought of it in class so lol thats really weird!
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Not bad!
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