[ Box updated on July 27th, 2011 ] [ original ]
Mass Effect: Deception Box Cover Comments
Comment on Nerdysimmer's Mass Effect: Deception Box Art / Cover.
[ Box updated on July 27th, 2011 ] [ original ]
Comment on Nerdysimmer's Mass Effect: Deception Box Art / Cover.
This was designed with care, also with Garry's Mod. I'm not sure if any of the boxarts on this site have been designed with GMod except for some of the Zelda boxarts I've seen that used the predesigned Oblivion-like Zelda screencaps.
This took a pretty long time to design, started immediately after New Years. Most of the time spent designing this was wasted through experimenting with the layouts making them pratical, as well as getting the poses in GMod to hopefully look convincing; the back's renders were a pain in the ass to pose.
Originally the game was about a fanmade quarian who became a bounty hunter during his pilgrimage, but one of the fellow students from college suggested to design the boxart around the backstory of Rael'Zorah from Mass Effect 2, which actually made the title "Deception" much more sense now that I thought about it.
I tried scanning the interior of the case like I similar to what I did with the Indiana Jones design. I attempted to modify it to make it look white, but I couldn't get the shading down correctly without making it look washed out, so I had to scrap it.
Since I like designing large images, this boxart was designed at a 300dpi resolution, so you can print this out and slip it into a DS case if it pleases you to some degree, even though the game doesn't exist.
Happy Kickstart the Boxart Day, everybody!
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My God, I would love this if you made the logo a bit smaller, and took the reflection off of the Deception! Excellent kickstart!
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I see you finally got the reflection to work. And I love that back.
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Wow. This looks so awesome in full view. The back is very professional looking, and I like the dark feel of the front.
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Nice box Nerdysimmer, nice to see your skills are still awesome after all this time :)
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A story based around Rael'Zorah is such a great idea, and this case is a phenomenal representation of it. Even better knowing you used GMod.
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That means a lot since I know you're a huge fan of Mass Effect. Thanks for that.
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Very nice job!
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Really awesome job.
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I like the back, but something doesn't click with me on the front. I'm not sure, maybe it's the logo.
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Not a fan of the front, but that back is devine. Nice job.
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I don't know about this. If it was coning from a less popular member, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just feel that this is a big step down from your previous boxes, ya' know?
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Nice work dude, this is plain amazing!
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O.o amazing!
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It's really cool, but you should have used the same red color on the back, it would have been way better.
Besides this, great job
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Nice work, looks official.
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your boxes are always very creative.
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I'm really loving the back, scanlines look excellent there.
As for the front, It's nice but somehow doesn't really captures my attention, it's not such an eye catching composition, the logo could've been smaller and it feels kind of empty.
Overall, It's really nice.
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Amazing box! Fav+
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This is for once a box in which the back is more appealing than the front. I really do love the back, it just spews out "Mass Effect!". Plus some beautiful layout and perfectly matched colours.
However, I feel the front is empty. It's great, but... I don't know. I get the hang of the window etc, but I just don't get the feeling. To me it feels a bit silly.
But great box! +fav
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That would be a neat idea. I like the back very much
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Updated the box with a modified official template scanned from a 3DS cover.
Also the logo is smaller and the subtitle's blur has been replaced with a glow.
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