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The 3rd Birthday box art cover
By avatar jevangod 50 on January 10th, 2011

comments The 3rd Birthday Box Cover Comments

Comment on jevangod's The 3rd Birthday Box Art / Cover.

jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

Updated it. Sorry about deleting it. But I just hate seeing the Updated #1 words below the images. Plus the delete button is there for a reason. Anyways let me type this over again from the first box. I wanted this box to have a beautiful but terrible thing going on at the same time. Makes no sense? Let me explain. The game is really beautiful but there is so much destruction. Really play the first game and youll understand. So I wanted people to see that from this cover. The bluish/greenish color tone works quite well if you ask me.

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Sentroavium 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

Could I see a printable?

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jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, Soon enough.

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Eggboy'13 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

lol, I thought that was Samus at first. :I

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LooseJuice 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

Looks awesome. The colors are icy.

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Pan 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Awesome box, I can't wait for this game. Been waiting for a new PE game since PS1.

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Looks much better.

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sd1833 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

LooseJuice got it right about the colors, they have a very cold feel to them. That front puts my own to shame, nice work.

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

It's very well done, but also very basic at the same time. The colors are fitting, since it's taking place during christmas again, etc. However, there are two things I don't like.

1.) The 3D seems very off again, alsmost as the front and back got different dimensions. Did you squeeze the whole thing? After all the logos, first and foremost the region code and rating, look kinda deformed. The spine? Well, I guess I already gave up on this one at your works ;) But this time you used a offical template, so I thing the proportions should be a bit more real.

2.) The image on the back: You should try to make it a bit brighter to make the light contrasts on boots, etc. visible. Right now it's just some black "mush".

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Sentroavium 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#9, I really think his presentations are always somewhat off, but I just stopped mentioning it because I think it could get annoying afterwhile.

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#10, may be true, but this time it's a real template, not a selfmade one ;)
okay, the 3d may be off - okay, but squeezing the back? c'mon, you can see this by just looking at the logos. I'm willing to accept the "off" 3D, but the deformed logos? O__o Nah...

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Sentroavium 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#11, Well if he's never gonna change it then I guess not. ;)

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12, lol XD I still hope he does change some stuff...

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BloodFoxTK 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#1, i'd love to play the 1st one, but as far as i'm aware, it was never released in my country.
so unless it's ported to the psp, i'm afraid it'll just be another game i can't play. :(

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

#14, europe did not get it, however, if you have a US-PSN-Account you can download it. Or mod your PS ;)

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jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

Yea you guys are right about the back being squeezed. Ill update it soo enough.

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KoopaDasher 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

Earning your rank once again, sir. Great job.

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BloodFoxTK 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#15, well i have a uk psn account and don't own a ps1.

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jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]


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alldreamsfalldown 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

ooooh very nice. I need a PSP dammit!

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jevangod 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

#20, lol. Yea. Now is the time for a psp. Prices are pretty low, unless you want to wait for the psp2.

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Leegion 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

Haven't heard of the game, but it's nice and looks good in that blue colour (color) tone.

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matingsm 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats . . .

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LastLight 47 [ 1 decade ago ]


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shirazihaa 50 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats my friend ;)

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Higashi89 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Awesome box for an incredible series (Parasite Eve)

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