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L.A. Noire box art cover
By avatar MattStar 49 on January 4th, 2011

comments L.A. Noire Box Cover Comments

Comment on MattStar's L.A. Noire Box Art / Cover.

MattStar 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

This started out as a cartoonish box weeks ago in a WiP, and became this. Thanks to everyone in the WiP.

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Spiner_ 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think it's unfinished, could've been alot better.

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hesit8 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

I agree with Spiner, you took a very generic approach when you abandoned the cartoonish look you had before. What we have now is a pretty uninspiring design that utilizes a very limited pool of resources. I don't mean to sound harsh but you should have waited for more material or for a more practical idea. I don't think this box exercised your creativity in any way.

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Ray Blade 40 [ 1 decade ago ]

I agree with the above statements and I think Hesit8 hit it on the head. This design definitely lost the YOU in comparison to the previous cartoonish one. I think you really should have done some work with the cartoon effect to make it look more realistic and vectored.

The box itself isn't bad, it's just not exactly a new spin really. It actually looks pretty official, which as an amateur designer sounds like a compliment, but to a vgba community member, is a disappointing thing to hear...

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MattStar 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Damn, thanks guys.

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LooseJuice 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

The problem with this box is that there's nothing that really sets it apart from the rest of the crowd. Sure, there aren't that many LA Noire boxes on the site now, but once they start rolling in, what's will cause people to remember this box? This is honestly kind of bland and I think that you could have had something better, but you rushed the WIP. Stevencho gave a comment you don't appear to have even acted on, so I really think letting it sit a little longer could have helped a great deal. The front of the box is really disjointed. There's no unity between the top and bottom and both pictures looked completely unaltered; not very original. The back is truly boring. The text just sits on the right and the screen shots are all in a straight line at the with what appears to be a wallpaper for a background. As a whole, it's bleak, it's dark and as I said, it's bland. Dark and mysterious CAN work but in this case, it doesn't. You can do a lot better than this.

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KoopaDasher 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

I agree with the others. It's not great, but it does feel uninspired. Also, the presentation is a bit distracting. Maybe next time you could scale it down, make it less complex? Other than that, maybe you could consider looking at films and posters from this period. Get an idea for the art style, the clothing style, the culture during that period, and go from there. Being such a historically-based game, it should probably have a historically-based cover.

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wasa-bi 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'd say it's rather okay, after all it's well made. However the design is very, very basic. Nothing special. That's very sad, because you original concept was good!

As for the presentation: I just don't get why people use images as background. It is distracting from the box and it should be about THE BOX. Plus: The 3D seems very off, like the package is deformed.

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Daemon 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

The front is great, though I agree the back is pretty generic and uninspired.

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Unknown Flames 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

Oh wow look at all these people giving critique, its great! Anyway, yeah its a bit generic but I still kinda like it.

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Hatty 36 [ 1 decade ago ]

Back is nice, but you should have spent more time on the front. I don't think that the image you chose suits it very well.

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