awful.rubbish.a travesty.useless.worst thing on the site. now you know how it feels...
you criticise other people for having bad templates yet YOU don't even have one..
I've never seen a more hypocritical 'artist' on the site
oh and if you were wondering... link
#1, #2, #4, & #5: Seriously? You guys all really think that this is a piece of shit? Its honestly quite good, the only thing that it is missing is a template then it would be great. I think you all are just pissed that he has made "bad" comments on your boxes, so you felt the need to do the same. Not every cover will have a back, nor will they all have templates (though they should).
damn this box is soooo bad!!!
people only faved it because we all feel sorry for you
next time but adobe photoshop and stop using paint
this looks like something i can do when i'm sleeping
o h wait...i could do much better then that when i'm sleeping....
awful.rubbish.a travesty.useless.worst thing on the site. now you know how it feels...
you criticise other people for having bad templates yet YOU don't even have one..
I've never seen a more hypocritical 'artist' on the site
oh and if you were wondering...
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ha good one #1
as he said it's very bad and stretched
not something to fave
now you know how it feels sucka
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Oh yeah, you guys REALLY got him! *rolls eyes*
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finally posted a box then.
well guess what... its terrible!
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this is the worst thing that i have seen in my life. i think i want to vomit on it. wheres the template? wheres the back cover?
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5/5, you are truly god amongst men.
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#1, #2, #4, & #5: Seriously? You guys all really think that this is a piece of shit? Its honestly quite good, the only thing that it is missing is a template then it would be great. I think you all are just pissed that he has made "bad" comments on your boxes, so you felt the need to do the same. Not every cover will have a back, nor will they all have templates (though they should).
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Edited at 1 decade ago
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#8, You mad?
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mad that this box sucks
damn right i'm mad
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#10, You mad?
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of course nerd
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#12, You mad?
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#13 you mad?
#13 you mad?
#13 you mad?
#13 you mad?
so #13 are you mad???
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#14, You mad?
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#15 you mad
man this can go on forever
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#16, You mad?
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#17 you mad
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this is interesting
i wanna see how far we get
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#19, Mad you?
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#20 you mad
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#21, Cool story, bro.
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#22 you mad
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damn this box is soooo bad!!!
people only faved it because we all feel sorry for you
next time but adobe photoshop and stop using paint
this looks like something i can do when i'm sleeping
o h wait...i could do much better then that when i'm sleeping....
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#24 get your banned arse off my page Alt.
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