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Deadpool box art cover
By avatar hydrate3 20 on September 20th, 2010
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comments Deadpool Box Cover Comments

Comment on hydrate3's Deadpool Box Art / Cover.

hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

everyone who LIKES this box pleas comment

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

why did you use MY avatar on the cover? just kidding. anyhow although it isn't up to certain standards, I can see skill in this, it's just not well put together and choppy in places, plus the guy next to Deadpool on the back is in no way related to Deadpool. That guy is in fact Kingpin from the Daredevil movie, not in any way Deadpool. Still Marvel comics but they are completely separate.
And you can't only accept good comments. There's no way of improving if you only want good comments which may not always be the case, learn to accept bad comments or don't post at all. sorry, but a 5/10, empty, with just a hint of skill, and the occasional fundamental error..

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

well i couldnt put any one eles because ajax, cable, dr. bong, madcap, etc, because they havnt been in any other movies so i dont exactly have the greatest choices, plus kingpin is in some of his comics

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

... wait, hold up! ur supporting deadpool with ur username and picture... but u dont even have a box for it! tell u what u make one, and i recreate mine and we will see who's is better.

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, what about Wolverine on the back?
#4 we'll see...I'll finish my Crysis 2 box first then I'll tell ya when I'm ready, the game WILL be on....

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

u got it, and now im thinkin bout agent x

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

you mean Agent Zero? he was the one in the Wolverine movie who got killed in the helicopter, but in the comics was a member of Team X with Wolverine and Sabretooth, when he was called Maverick.

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

..... riiiight... but it will be an origin, story, not after agent zero dies

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Vaderkid123 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#9, Nice Bump bro

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]


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MattStar 49 [ 1 decade ago ]

Your improving, but this box lacks some things. The legal is very low quality, and the whole box is kind of sub par image quality wise. You should search for images that are high quality (google image search something like "deadpool" then, "larger then 1024x768" option on the side) so that your box looks nice and high quality. Also play around with the fonts and presentation of the words on the back. The resources part of the site also helps a lot, everything there is big. Go to the WIP forums and get help from other artists.

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

i got this template from the resorces section

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hydrate3 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

ne1 elese like it

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