I like both front and back but not together. The front makes me expect to see a more blurry, mysterious back while the back makes me expect to see a more dusty, angry looking front. They both are great but they don't flow together, as if they belong each to a different box.
I also don't like the Logo, font looks okay but the drop shadow is bugging me.
Don't get me wrong, I really really like this box if only front and back reflected each other better.
i completely agree on the drop shadow thing also, on the back I don't think asteroid is the best word to use in this case link
but all in all its a pretty good looking box.
#3, I don't now about solar system shit but everywhere I saw the plot of the game it said asteroid. I'm not saying you're wrong, i actually agree with you, but I really don't know what to put when everyone says that an asteroid hit Earth.
Wow am I really the only person to fav? Come on people, that other Rage box (supposed to be a comedy, but I don't get it) is getting way more attention. This deserves more favs people.
The back's pretty nice, but the text bothers me, maybe you should change the font and make it cleaner. The front make it looks like a FPS, you must have add some vehicles. Otherwise, prety good job.
This box took me a couple days to make. Let me know what you think.
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I like both front and back but not together. The front makes me expect to see a more blurry, mysterious back while the back makes me expect to see a more dusty, angry looking front. They both are great but they don't flow together, as if they belong each to a different box.
I also don't like the Logo, font looks okay but the drop shadow is bugging me.
Don't get me wrong, I really really like this box if only front and back reflected each other better.
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i completely agree on the drop shadow thing also, on the back I don't think asteroid is the best word to use in this case link
but all in all its a pretty good looking box.
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Good job RAiDeN I think this is your best yet. I really like the feel of this box.
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#3, I don't now about solar system shit but everywhere I saw the plot of the game it said asteroid. I'm not saying you're wrong, i actually agree with you, but I really don't know what to put when everyone says that an asteroid hit Earth.
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I updated and made the drop shadow less visible. It just looks weird without drop shadow.
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Wow am I really the only person to fav? Come on people, that other Rage box (supposed to be a comedy, but I don't get it) is getting way more attention. This deserves more favs people.
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Yeah the front is not that great but the back needs a fav.
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The back is great, but the as White_Dove said the back and front don't go together. Nice job though.
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Updated front to flow better with the back.
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It's bloody brilliant.
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The back's pretty nice, but the text bothers me, maybe you should change the font and make it cleaner. The front make it looks like a FPS, you must have add some vehicles. Otherwise, prety good job.
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Dude this box is sssiiiiicccckkkk!!!!
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Am I the only one who sees a face to the right of dude on the front's gun?
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