game Jaguar » Aliens Vs. Predator Box Cover
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Aliens Vs. Predator box art cover
By avatar Watsonator117 30 on August 20th, 2010

[ Box updated on August 22nd, 2010 ] [ original ]

comments Aliens Vs. Predator Box Cover Comments

Comment on Watsonator117's Aliens Vs. Predator Box Art / Cover.

Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

So I was playing Aliens vs. Predator on my Jaguar emulator the other day and realized that I should make a box for it :) I also realized that there aren't really any Jaguar boxes on this site lol. I hope you like it and if there is anything I can do to improve it please tell me! Enjoy! View full size! I also added a printable.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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jesse777 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Good job watson I love this!

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Daemon 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Really, really, really good.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2 Thanks man! :) it took me a good amount of time to complete.

#3 Thank you :)

EDIT: Updated to v2! I added the Jaguar cartridge

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Grand 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

This fails on so many levels.

1. The title of the game is 'ALIEN VS PREDATOR' not 'ALIENS VS PREDATOR.'
2. The back is the official back (link) with a shittily thrown in ESRB rating.
3. The lower part of the front is a poorly recreated version of the official lower part of the front (link)
4. The top part of the front is mostly an unmodified movie poster.

So little effort.

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Skyrunner 33 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5 I think because he was making it a more modern-day looking game, he chose the logo for the new game.

Still, wow. Not very impressive at all man, put in effort.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]


1. Doesn't matter.
2. Yes it is the official with a mature ESRB logo
3. That's how all Jaguar box's look.
4. The top part of the front is heavily modified. It's not just a movie poster and a logo.

There was a shitload of effort put into this box. It took me a few days to get it right.

#6 Don't listen to Grand. He doesn't realize how much effort I put into this and he thinks that it's just a wallpaper with a logo. A lot of effort was put into this!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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rpgfreak 14 [ 1 decade ago ]

Dude, this is awesome. I'm so glad to see your improvement.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8 Thanks man! :) it feels good not being the turd in the punchbowl with the shitty boxes that no one wants to see anymore xD

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sd1833 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Even if I hadn't read Grand's post, I doubt I would have been too impressed with this. Using the official back is pretty weak, and I'm not all that fond of recreating the official front instead of coming up with your own concept. The ESRB logos I assume are pretty much unnecessary on a Jaguar box, too.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#10 I'm going to change the back and remove the ESRB. Also, I didn't recreate the official front. That is the template for all Jaguar boxes.

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Whoomp 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

I keep hearing "effort" but the fact remains that you used the official back and different logos and the only truly unique thing you did was merging 2 posters from AvP Requiem.

Something to keep in mind; You don't make yourself any favors by stating that there is effort when more than 50% of the box isn't even your own design. Even you claim that you did spend a huge amount of time on the remaining 50%.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#12 I updated it. Now everything is my own.

UPDATE: Re-did the back from scratch and updated the printable.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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woopwoop11 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

#13, Whats jaguar? I have never heard of it. Not a bad box, keep them coming.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#14 Jaguar is an Atari system. Alien vs. Predator was one of the best games on the system :) thanks for the fav woopwoop

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Grand 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Durr that's not an Atari Jaguar cartridge.

And the game was pretty shitty compared to many Jaguar titles. Doom, Wolf3D, Tempest 2000, etc. AVP hasn't aged well at all.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#16 Alright I'll find an Atari Jaguar cartridge template. AvP was definitely in the top 5 best games for Jaguar.

EDIT: Updated to v5! Replaced cartridge with an Atari Jaguar cartridge! :)

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Grand 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

#17, Not so sure about that. It squeezes into the Top 10, but it's not in the Top 5.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#18 Well how would you rate the box now? :)

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felipe 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

It looks really good bro!

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#20 Thanks man! :)

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tmrd 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

It actually looks quite nice, I personally don't like the big block of text on the back though.

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Watsonator117 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

#22 Thank you :) as for the text on the back, that is the layout for the back of Jaguar boxes

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