So... Here is my newest box: splinter cell conviction.
Was very fun make it and I hope you like of this box.
Thanks to all guys who helped me on my wip thread, specially Del337er.
I remember seeing this in the WIP forums. The back turned out very well, and goes with the front great. The only thing I don't like is the word "Screenshots" above the screenshots, it doesn't really seem necessary to me.
Great work sir, and very professional looking. I think the tagline would look better if it was stretched out across the top more, but regardless this is very nice. :)
The subtitles on the front seem too overbearing, the tagline on the front doesn't stand out as much as it should, because it's in lowercase it seems like some of the text, needs some justifying, the red text doesn't blend in well in some parts.
Yeah the word screenshots seems really amateurish and especially has no place on an actual cover. ;)
Love the front, but there are few things I dislike on the back.
I think the tagline should be put on the top-left corner of the box. Then maybe you could put something in the top-right corner to fill the empty space. Also, the word "Screenshots" bugs me. We all know they are screenshots ;)
I will fav however, cause I can see alot of effort in this one.
The front is brilliant, but I absolutely hate the much too strong reflection. But the front cover is fantastic.
The back is great, too. I like the font. What I don't like about the back, is that you put the text "screenshots" over your screenshots. It's quite ovious, that these pictures are screens and nobody needs this teaching. I think it's dispensable.
In my opinion one of the best boxarts on this site!
I like this one, most of the things looks great!
The things I don't like is the tagline and the "screenshots" text.
If you could do some cool things with the tagline, like changing the size of some words and stuff, that would be nice.
Great work on rest of the box.
Overall looks very nice, only minor things stand out to me. Maybe fade the text on the front, and like others have said the "screenshots" text is unnecessary.
So... Here is my newest box: splinter cell conviction.
Was very fun make it and I hope you like of this box.
Thanks to all guys who helped me on my wip thread, specially Del337er.
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Maybe the best Conviction box on the site
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2# Thanks!
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Wonderful job, this turned out great! And yes i agree with #2 ^^ You've earned an author fav bro
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thanks so much Del!
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Brilliant, agree with #2 also.
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Thanks man!
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Great front!
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I remember seeing this in the WIP forums. The back turned out very well, and goes with the front great. The only thing I don't like is the word "Screenshots" above the screenshots, it doesn't really seem necessary to me.
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8#9# Thanks!
maybe I remomove the word screenshots.
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Great work sir, and very professional looking. I think the tagline would look better if it was stretched out across the top more, but regardless this is very nice. :)
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The subtitles on the front seem too overbearing, the tagline on the front doesn't stand out as much as it should, because it's in lowercase it seems like some of the text, needs some justifying, the red text doesn't blend in well in some parts.
Yeah the word screenshots seems really amateurish and especially has no place on an actual cover. ;)
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Love the front, but there are few things I dislike on the back.
I think the tagline should be put on the top-left corner of the box. Then maybe you could put something in the top-right corner to fill the empty space. Also, the word "Screenshots" bugs me. We all know they are screenshots ;)
I will fav however, cause I can see alot of effort in this one.
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Nice box, 4/5
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The front is awesome nice job dude.
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The front is brilliant, but I absolutely hate the much too strong reflection. But the front cover is fantastic.
The back is great, too. I like the font. What I don't like about the back, is that you put the text "screenshots" over your screenshots. It's quite ovious, that these pictures are screens and nobody needs this teaching. I think it's dispensable.
In my opinion one of the best boxarts on this site!
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Thanks guys, update coming soon!
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I like this one, most of the things looks great!
The things I don't like is the tagline and the "screenshots" text.
If you could do some cool things with the tagline, like changing the size of some words and stuff, that would be nice.
Great work on rest of the box.
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One of your best man, i especially like the back. I only don't like the background on the front. Screenshots written out isn't needed though.
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Overall looks very nice, only minor things stand out to me. Maybe fade the text on the front, and like others have said the "screenshots" text is unnecessary.
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Thanks by the favs and suggestions guys, I will post an update tomorrow!
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It's so shiny and awesome.
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I really like this!
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Looks very official.
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Best SCC Box on the site.
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Thanks guys!
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Finally lol
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#30, thanks so much, you helped me a lot to do this!
thanks to all persons who faved this!
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congrats on hof
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Congrats on the hall.
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Better than the official!
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This is so sleek and stylish. I love how you used the red on the box with text and the back is just very original. Wonderful design. +fav
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I lol'd at, the "hof_design" tag, congratulations.
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Beastly to say the least
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?, well thanks guys!
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superb. the official cover should be ashamed. can i please request a printable?:)
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Of course, sorry I didn't see your comment before, I'll post it soon!
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Of course, sorry I didn't see your comment before, I'll post it soon!
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