So yeah, this is my 3rd BYTD party box, my first being Lego batman(which got deleted from the site) and my second Ninjatown, Haven't made a box in a while now, because I havent really been to intrested in boxarts and desgined breifly elsewhere! Yeah so Lupe Fiasco's the cool as I found it a very inspirational album which sounds different and unique. One of my faviroute that i've listened to. Found a nce tutorial on how to do that planet thing and the rest I did as i went along =p
#7, Your probably right =p, most people won't really take notice of it either.Design is design to be honest =p.It shouldn't come down to what genre/ type of music you like, just the design of the actual box.
So yeah, this is my 3rd BYTD party box, my first being Lego batman(which got deleted from the site) and my second Ninjatown, Haven't made a box in a while now, because I havent really been to intrested in boxarts and desgined breifly elsewhere! Yeah so Lupe Fiasco's the cool as I found it a very inspirational album which sounds different and unique. One of my faviroute that i've listened to. Found a nce tutorial on how to do that planet thing and the rest I did as i went along =p
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Great stuff as always. Lupe Fiasco is one of the few Hip-Hop musicians I can actually listen to =P
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Yea Lupe!!!!1
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#3, Lol I listen to quite alot of hip-hop and I have to say, I really like his sound, he's far more sophisticated than some other artists.
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4 favs / 3 comments? Seriously!?
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This is great most people im sure arent going to fav cause they dont like Rap, im sure.
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#7, Your probably right =p, most people won't really take notice of it either.Design is design to be honest =p.It shouldn't come down to what genre/ type of music you like, just the design of the actual box.
Anywho thanks for the comments guys!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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I hardly like rap either, but one has to respect killer cd covers! :D
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The editing is stunning on this one. Looking at some of your other record designs, I can easily see you doing these kind of graphics professionally.
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