The back is excellent. The front not so much. I see what you were going for though but the screenshot render or Ratchet just doesnt work out. Plus everyone behind him has a green colortone and I think he should have a bit of a green overlaay over himself.
#5, Well it's definitely going to be changed and looks something like that since the Original font was abolished.
#2, Kind of looks like a in-game render, but it may or may not be, hard to tell. link Everyone in the B is greenish so Ratchet can stand out and not fade into it.
Had to mod my template to the new one now thanks to Sony :P
It's gonna be a great game!
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The back is excellent. The front not so much. I see what you were going for though but the screenshot render or Ratchet just doesnt work out. Plus everyone behind him has a green colortone and I think he should have a bit of a green overlaay over himself.
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Your front cover is well made but is a bit random, why is Ratchet flying? The back is splendid.
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That back is AMAZING. The front, really good too.
Also, you're not sharing that template by any chance are you? :D
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Ohh yea I dont like what you did to the plastic part of the temp. You made it have an arial font. I would leave that part normal.
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Love the template. I was modifying mine... but would simply switch if you were offering it up for grabs.
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#5, Well it's definitely going to be changed and looks something like that since the Original font was abolished.
#2, Kind of looks like a in-game render, but it may or may not be, hard to tell. link Everyone in the B is greenish so Ratchet can stand out and not fade into it.
#3, He's got hover boots :D
#4, No i usually don't, but thanks you!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Temp pwease? :]
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Cool beans.
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Awesome template Shady as others have said, and I always love how meticulously you organize the backs of your designs. Awesome across the board.
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#10, :D Thanks
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I'm sorry, I was so sure I said bump.
Also, template pwease :D
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