1. It's huge because I couldn't fit it down into a suitable template.
2. I can't be bothered fitting it down into a template.
3. Yes, thats a man.
4. Cupcakes are nice.
I seem to obsessed with Jeffree Star's new song, and I thought I'd make a cover for his EP since the official is quite disturbing.
And about the template, I tried fitting it into one but it wouldn't work constraining proportions, so it would have been stretched and ugly.
Cupcakes - link - edited by me.
Jeffree Star pic - link - rendered by me.
uhhh... Gradon... where is the template?
[ Reply ]
1. It's huge because I couldn't fit it down into a suitable template.
2. I can't be bothered fitting it down into a template.
3. Yes, thats a man.
4. Cupcakes are nice.
I seem to obsessed with Jeffree Star's new song, and I thought I'd make a cover for his EP since the official is quite disturbing.
And about the template, I tried fitting it into one but it wouldn't work constraining proportions, so it would have been stretched and ugly.
Cupcakes - link - edited by me.
Jeffree Star pic - link - rendered by me.
Erm, enjoy. :P
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Im not a fan of this, sorry, you really should add a template to it but cutting a bit of the left side off.
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I updated.
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That dude creeps the hell out of me.
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