G'day! Well firstly i'd like to thank alldreamsfalldown for giving me the idea. When i made my Akira SFC box, he mentioned he'd been thinking of doing an Akira DVD and it gave me the idea to do another Akira box.
This box has taken bloody ages to finish. I really wanted to try and use artworks that not many people may have seen. Most of the front image montage is from either animation cel's or screenshots from the movie (screenshots and cel's were a little ratty at times, hence why i chose to give it the old and weathered look), with some coming from scans of my mates Akira Club book.
I sort of went with a few temps for the back, i found that Blu-ray hasn't really got an across the board template for sleeves so i just went along with it and made my own. All the text matches the movie and credit to rottontomatoes.com for most of the blurb (i changed it a bit).
Hope you like it, it takes a bit but full view please!
I love everything about the front and the cover! I especially love the cover. Maan, that cover is awesome. Back could be slightly improved, though. The glow on the text doesn't really match the style, you know.
UPDATED: YoshiStar is right, ran the red banner underneath the text at the top instead. Cut some of the wording out and bumped the font size up a bit to. And changed it from Ariel, what was i thinking?! If i get around to it, i might cut it back more and stuff.
#6 yeah i sort of rushed the temp a little towards the end, just wanted to finally get this on out there. I've been working on another one that is a hell of a lot better. Thanks for the comments guys!
To put it simple: I love it! The update really did the trick for the back. One thing bothers me tough, the glow effect around the characters on the front. I think it would have looked more clean without it.
G'day! Well firstly i'd like to thank alldreamsfalldown for giving me the idea. When i made my Akira SFC box, he mentioned he'd been thinking of doing an Akira DVD and it gave me the idea to do another Akira box.
This box has taken bloody ages to finish. I really wanted to try and use artworks that not many people may have seen. Most of the front image montage is from either animation cel's or screenshots from the movie (screenshots and cel's were a little ratty at times, hence why i chose to give it the old and weathered look), with some coming from scans of my mates Akira Club book.
I sort of went with a few temps for the back, i found that Blu-ray hasn't really got an across the board template for sleeves so i just went along with it and made my own. All the text matches the movie and credit to rottontomatoes.com for most of the blurb (i changed it a bit).
Hope you like it, it takes a bit but full view please!
PS: And that IS an official OFLC rating too!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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I love it nice job reza!
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WOW, this is amazing!!
I love everything about the front and the cover! I especially love the cover. Maan, that cover is awesome. Back could be slightly improved, though. The glow on the text doesn't really match the style, you know.
Great job, man!
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Excellent! There's a bit too much text at the back, which can be a tad unattractive, but still, well done!
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UPDATED: YoshiStar is right, ran the red banner underneath the text at the top instead. Cut some of the wording out and bumped the font size up a bit to. And changed it from Ariel, what was i thinking?! If i get around to it, i might cut it back more and stuff.
And thanks for the feedback too guys.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Other then that weirdish ghost like glow on the temp, this is probably your best work yet! Looks Great!
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Teh AKIRA... plus fav
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Great film, great box, great artist!
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#6 yeah i sort of rushed the temp a little towards the end, just wanted to finally get this on out there. I've been working on another one that is a hell of a lot better. Thanks for the comments guys!
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To put it simple: I love it! The update really did the trick for the back. One thing bothers me tough, the glow effect around the characters on the front. I think it would have looked more clean without it.
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Great cover
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Congratulations, the best Akira cover I've ever seen ^^
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