game Xbox 360 » Gran Turismo HD? Box Cover
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Gran Turismo HD? box cover
By avatar Gearblaze 6 on August 30th, 2008
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comments Gran Turismo HD? Box Cover Comments

Comment on Gearblaze's Gran Turismo HD? Box Art / Cover.

Gearblaze 6 [ 1 decade ago ]

:P I made a mistake. screw it.

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XCore 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Lulz, at the ? in your title :p

Well, the boxart, is ok, but I'm not too fond of the black sqaure surronding the logo.

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Brettska99 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, lulz that its on 360

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FlashFumo 18 [ 1 decade ago ]

Heheh... Sony logo on a 360 box. XD

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benoski 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

sorry, but it's no good. Gran Turismo is
a Sony exclusive franchise.

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