game Xbox 360 » Tom Clancy's EndWar Box Cover
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Tom Clancy's EndWar box art cover
By avatar Dark_Shadow 8 on August 23rd, 2008
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comments Tom Clancy's EndWar Box Cover Comments

Comment on Dark_Shadow's Tom Clancy's EndWar Box Art / Cover.

Dark_Shadow 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

well I didn't made any box for many months so I tried to make one and that's what I come with...
comments and crits are welcomes and please look in full :)

Edit : plz don't mention the red thing around the logo it's the compression I'll put it in PNG next time.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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ClonedX 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Screenshots would be nice and why there is a black line on the back?

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Dark_Shadow 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, to separate the text from the lower part... but if I put screenshots should I delete the helicopter ?

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Feed 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Well, its...nice? Composition is present, yet its...boring.

Still needs screens tho.

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Dark_Shadow 8 [ 1 decade ago ]

ok... I'm sorry I may be ban for this but I need to say this.. the thing that I fucking hate of VGBoxArt is the lac of comments, people are too stupid to leave any comments on box.. I mean my box is not perfect... WAY FAR of this.. my back is really bad in my opinion but still I submitted this because I've been told that it was good by many people. so my box's there.. I asked for somes crits or comments but I had 4... 4 FUCKING comments on my box and two of them are from me and the one from feed is because I asked him on MSN.

So what the hell is going in your head man I got 106 views and 1 ONE !!!!!! COMMENTS. HEY !!! maybe it would be time for VGBA to reset is members or even dissapear.. the admin (Reed) is almost NEVER there.. you'll tell me that he has something else to do of his life than maybe.. but why don't he put more mods to take care of it. I personnaly respect Reed but why having such a website if nobody's there to take care of it. I'm sure he have friend that could help him.
I hope this will change...

And about the spammers why they have as much comments as this ? hey don't try to beat a spammers he will lower you at his level and he'll beat you easily once there !!!!!!!! Maybe you could be a bit more smart and leave the spammers in their corners and take care of those who really want to be better in making some art at the computer.. so you little spammers just dissapear and those who feed them then STOP BEING THAT STUPID !!!!!!!!


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runner12326 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

#5, I'm with you completely on that one. Anyway, about the box, it looks great, just needs some screens on the back.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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numerobetically 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm thinking some screenshots would be relevent here.

And I hate when people comment on spam-esque boxes too.

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