My second box, Credit to KoopaDasher for the Simple needs Forum and where most of this came from. Some of the renders came from sonic and others from Planet Renders. Please comment!
woh, man. for a second box, or newcomer, this is really nice! not because it's Sonic, because everything but the temp and logos are great. for a newcomer, I'd give it a 4.3/5
My second box, Credit to KoopaDasher for the Simple needs Forum and where most of this came from. Some of the renders came from sonic and others from Planet Renders. Please comment!
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#1, What program do you use?
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PhotoShop CS3 Extended. The $400 one!
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#3, wow, Lucky you!. The problem with the box is the corners.
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Oh i see... thanks. The template isn't hi res either. I couldn't find a Hi Res PS3 front!
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woh, man. for a second box, or newcomer, this is really nice! not because it's Sonic, because everything but the temp and logos are great. for a newcomer, I'd give it a 4.3/5
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