Well, here it is. Ages>seasons? Can't wait to find out. My last box wasn't meant to keep on my success, but hopefully with this box my success will keep going. Yeah, not much to say.
VGAA for artwork
VGBAD for temp
Bacground,esrb and dev logos google. So, please enjoy and critique, and best in full!
Well, here it is. Ages>seasons? Can't wait to find out. My last box wasn't meant to keep on my success, but hopefully with this box my success will keep going. Yeah, not much to say.
VGAA for artwork
VGBAD for temp
Bacground,esrb and dev logos google. So, please enjoy and critique, and best in full!
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Awesome.Just like your oracle of ages box 5/5 +fav
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#2 thanks! I really want my unexpected success to keep going!
P.S My super mario ball box has 89 points!
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Moogle, thanks for the fav!
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