Better than your first box...
Doesn't mean its good though.
I could give you many ways to improve it but whats the point! I gave you CC and advice on how to improve your first box but you didn't listen and you didn't seem bothered to update it at all!
But yeah.... 2/5
This is only my second box, they will get better! hope you like it! i can only use paint etc so sorry if it isn't as good as it could be!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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Better than your first box...
Doesn't mean its good though.
I could give you many ways to improve it but whats the point! I gave you CC and advice on how to improve your first box but you didn't listen and you didn't seem bothered to update it at all!
But yeah.... 2/5
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the background's too plain. maybe have them coming out of their tv or something
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#3 --thanks for the advice ill update it!
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#1 GIMP is free y'know -_-
So many people use Paint as an excuse for bad boxes...
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#4 On the 01/10/08 you said you would update it following numerobetically's advice!
It is now 01/12/08 (In the UK anyway) and you still aint updated it!! I mean, how long does it take to update a peice of crap like this?!
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#6 im workin on it my computers been down for a bit so i havent had a chance!
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comps workin again. couldn't think what background to have so i chose this
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