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Grand Theft Auto IV box cover
By avatar Anthony615 3 on January 4th, 2008
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comments Grand Theft Auto IV Box Cover Comments

Comment on Anthony615's Grand Theft Auto IV Box Art / Cover.

Backfall Genius 7 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Themanslayer009 4 [ 1 decade ago ]

f this man stop posting garbage there should be a approver to approve boxes that go on the site this is terrible i hate life /wrists

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Anthony615 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

wtf...its supposed to be a joke moron...why don't you get a personality and stop acting like you got a stick up yr dont even have to do with me idiot...its just people are so anxious about gta is driving them nuts. Its hyperbole..but im sure you dont know more than 1 syllable words anyways...

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Cerium 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3 He said "posting" and im pretty sure that is more than 1 syllable =/

Why dont you calm down!! Everyone is allowed their opinion!! You cant start being horrible to someone just because they dont like your box =/

P.S. Thanks for deleting it Admin =]

Edited at 1 decade ago

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E_G 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Be helpful please.

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Anthony615 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, dude stop being such a suckup...your making me nauseous

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