[ Box updated on July 2nd, 2008 ] [ original ]
Final Fantasy VII Box Cover Comments
Comment on Chibi Cloud's Final Fantasy VII Box Art / Cover.
[ Box updated on July 2nd, 2008 ] [ original ]
Comment on Chibi Cloud's Final Fantasy VII Box Art / Cover.
My second box! Yay me! Credit to WickedGamer1 for the template. And I don't like the sites uploading tool. It ruins the color. Anyway, feedback please!
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pretty sweet. i like it =]
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I like this one but the text on the back is hard to read
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You know this would be a lot better if you made the text on the back white? /my catchphrase.
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very good. although the sony logo on the front isn't right. and agreed with #4.
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To be honest it's only ok.
i) The SCEA logo shouldn't be in an orange box.
ii) The Square Enix logo on the front needs an outer glow desperately.
iii) I do like the idea of making a collage of different versions of the logo for the front but the main logo is way too small.
iv) And of course as I said before the text on the back needs to be a lot more readable.
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Oh yeah and this box pretty much represents me.... because my name is Cloud, I have a sword, I fight cactuars because I'm bored! I like to ride on Chocobos, its better then, having afros! And when I go into an inn, 15 seconds... It's day again! I will use a phoenix down, so when I die, I will not frown! Because my name is Cloud, my hair defies all gravity, and I can't have too many potions or I might get cavities! ... If I can't slice you, then thats okay! I'll use my magic, anyway! And I will defeat that Sephiroth! Because he's not, David Lee Roth!
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#7 .................okay......
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#7, Why didn't you try to use a Phoenix Down on Aerith to prevent her from dying?
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#6, I made different layers of the logo because I didn't want it looking too plain. I'll take the advice you said and update it. But do you think there is too many screenshots? I originally wanted 4 sceenshots, but I liked them all too much, so I had to put all of the screenshots. Anymore advice anyone?
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#9, *cries* I was too late! (T_T)
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#9 um...how come she's alive in Kingdom Hearts ? maybe they'll recreate her death scene in KH3, like they recreated all the famous disney scenes (like the stampede in the lion king)
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#12, have you seen the scene from Final Fantasy VII,
when Sephiroth kills Aerith? But yeah I did forget Kingdom Hearts recreates all the famous character scenes. How about some ratings?
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#13 i have a feeling that they'll recreate the Tidus/Yuna love scenes from FFX.
anyways, i give this a 3.5/5, or maybe a 4/5.
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#14, but do you think this is good for a first box?
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#15, sorry! I meant second box.
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#12, Aerith is still alive in Kingdom Hearts because in that game Final Fantasy cameos are probably parallel universe versions of themselves and their endeavors in those worlds are not canonical to that of the game series they come from. So in other words don't take Final Fantasy cameo appearances seriously.
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This stinks! The stupid upload tool destroyed my box. It looks like crap in here. Compare the screen shots for example. See how blurry they are? They were ten times better before it went on this site. The quality sucks. I wish I could post you guys a link to show you the big difference in quality. How do you post a link any way?
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#18, just copy the link and paste and when you post it, the link will be shown as "link".
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looks pretty decent. like the front, but the logo should be bigger. back, i dont really like the layout everything is in. and the text should have some kind of stroke since its dark.
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unfortunatly this game is not in the making, at least thats what square-enix says, although they did not say it wasnt a possibility in the future for this to happen, lets just hope!!
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The front is awesome, the back is awful.
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I want to update this box, but it won't let me! Please Reed, can you fix this problem?
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How do I post the link? Tell me how to. Please!
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did you check at the bottom of this page? there is a link to update your box..
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#25, yes, and why? The uploading tool in my page is too disabled to update or submit any boxes, so thats why I want to post a link to show a high resolution version. That's the whole reason why I want to post a link, but I don't know how to. Reed needs to fix this problem now!
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Update! Do you think I should take away the quotes on the screen shots?
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You still need to fix the text on the back otherwise I thinks it is cool.
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Never mind! I just realized that I accidentally deleted my box.
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This is da real deal! It looks official doesn't it? It's updated, and I think it looks way better then my first version.
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It O.K
Some suggestions:
1. Make the text white
2. Remove the 3 discs logo on the front cover, it isn't needed.
3. Add a reflection.
3.5/5 .
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#31, do you like it?
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you still need to fix the text on the back.
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#33, arcanus, your not being very helpful. BESIDES THE TEXT.
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My main issue with this is that the text on the back is getting lost. You have a dark background image so using a dark colored font isn't the best of choices. Try using white and adding a subtle drop shadow or soft glow.
Seeing as how it's a Blu-ray disc, i'd remove the 3 disc logo from the front as well.
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#34 why can't you change the text, that's the ONLY thing wrong with this.
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#36, really? I'm sorry if I was a bit mean. It's just that I didn't know that the only problem was the text. Sorry about that. How about some ratings?
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Not to bump the box or anything, I was just wondering, if I changed the text on the back to white, would it deserve to be in the hall of fame? And yes, when I get back from my vacation, I'll be sure to update it with a more readable text. More comments, suggestions, and helpful hints are more then welcome.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#38 just freaking change the back already, it's not that difficult. we've gave you loads of comments about it but you haven't fixed it yet. i'm not promising anything but you'll get good ratings!!
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#39, I forgot the font I used....
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There wouldnt be 3 Discs. They are using Blu Ray. For a remake of FF7, they would only need one disc.
Very nice box anyway :]
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#42, thanks. What's your rating for it?
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ffs just change the back of the box. Anywho, i like how you did the front cover with the AC logo, but you need to make the lettering bigger. not majorly bigger, just a lil bit. But I'm pretty sure that SCE dont put theyre logo on every game, and Sq-E usually publish games themselves. So take the SCE logo and the 3 Disc thing out and the front cover is fine. I also like how you only used screenshots form AC which are from the FF7 flashbacks, nice touch. all in all I'd say about 3.5/5
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Yay! More bigger!
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The front looks great, but the back looks a little amateur. The placing of the images doesn't work for me and the text could fit better with the game. It shows promise.
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#46, amateur huh? In what way? The screenshots didn't work for me ether.
But it was my second box. What can ya do about it? :P I was probably thinking of putting the screenshots across. Like in the official one. I guess that thought never came to me... But the text is okay for me. Using a basic font wouldn't fit in so well. Well thanks for the tip. Feel free to give it a rating if you would like.
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Wow. Six favs huh? Lol. That would be pretty funny if this become Hall of Fame.
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#48, the only way i'm going to favourite this if you fix that text.
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#49, wow! Really?! I'll do that whenever I can! Yes! 7 favs here I come!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#50, rofl nice.
if you submitted this vs my shadow box, i'd be dead by now.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#51, check your pms! No, I would've been owned EVEN MORE.
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I really like the front cover and the back cover is really put together well. I'll give this box art a 4/5.
The only thing I'd change is the text on the images on the back cover.
Other than that, good job!
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so... are you ever going to fix that text?
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#54, I can't find the same exact text as last time and I'm having a Hell of a lot of a trouble making drop shadows. But really guys, you think this is perfect except for the text? UserNumberVII add this to your favorites if you like it. This will be Hall of Fame one day!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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I would add it to favorites if the back was good as front, I think that it should be more simple with some abstract stuff and screens like in your other ffvii box but without those things that hold screens for angels
and also original logo like on your other box
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#51, and the truth is, this box was made in paint. Required tons of effort.
Oh crap, I completely forgot about this. I'm updating this with better text and changes.
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Stunning... the front is great! The back image is great... but the only bad thing is that the summary text is hard to read due to the dark areas of the image...
4.7/5 + fave ,great job!
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#58, thanks Nick! Can I call you that? I'm working on the update now, which should include readable text.
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#60 Heh... no prob! call me whatever you wish =]
Looking forward to your next version!
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man you are good with final fantasy 7
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#62, thank you!^^ I'm updating this with some minor changes, so I bet you'll even like it more! =)
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Update! Instead of fixing the text on the back, I remade it. ;) Enjoy guys. Oh, and credit to Ayron for the outer glow, and of course, WickedGamer1 for the template.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#65, thank you, VGMaster! So are you. ;)
Well, here's my last update for this box. I added a spine! Go crazy. Haha. =P Though, credit goes to TwilightMystics for the top and bottom case parts, and Hellknight for the PS3 options.
EDIT: I just wish updated boxes would get more attention. Apparently this one isn't getting any.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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I like it, it gets a fav for me!
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#67, thanks ViVi!
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Not too shabby :) #68 I think you should've used the faded characters thing though...
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#69, thanks! Well, the reason why I didn't fade characters into the box was because I was going for a simplistic look.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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A special thanks goes to my buddy shadysaiyan for the wonderful 3D update. Thank you so much! So yeah, that's the only difference you'll see in this box. Once again credit goes to shadysaiyan. ;)
Enjoy! Ha ha, I could fool so many people with this. =P
EDIT: Please don't let this update go unnoticed. <:(
Edited at 1 decade ago
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I'm not trying to bump, but can someone comment please? I spent a lot of time on this, and I'm sadden to see it hasn't gotten any attention yet. I think it's my best box yet.
EDIT: #73, I guess you're right, but this is what I don't like about the update function being on the home page. It's at the very bottom and on top of that there's no box displaying what was updated. It should be exactly like the latest submissions. The latest updates should have it's own noticeable section.
Edited at 1 decade ago
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#72, Chibi please if someone wanted to comment they would.
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#75, thanks man. Haha, you probably wanted to fave it a second time. By the way, I love your latest box!
#77, he's my God too.
#78, dude, half of those comments were neccessary. I was a n00b back then. What did you expect? Excitement? -.-;
Edited at 1 decade ago
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MY GOD! Stop bumping!
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Out of 77 comments, 38 are yours...damn!
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Now now...it's fine...I get pretty excited when I release boxes too. This is your best yet chibi cloud! +fav
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#57, You made this in PAINT?
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Yeah... xD what is that shocking for you? xP
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#81, So..my reply is two years late. Yes, it does shock me because it looks *very* nice for something done in paint. Haha
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