game PC » Overwatch: Blackwatch Edition Box Cover
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Overwatch: Blackwatch Edition box art cover
By avatar FIRE13spotty 36 on May 20th, 2018

[ Box updated on November 12th, 2018 ] [ original ]

comments Overwatch: Blackwatch Edition Box Cover Comments

Comment on FIRE13spotty's Overwatch: Blackwatch Edition Box Art / Cover.

spypilot 43 [ 6 years ago ]

It looks really cool man, the lighting and the composition is really nice overall.

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FIRE13spotty 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thank you very much dude, Im glad the overall design looked nice in the end.

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CPT_KASRA 28 [ 6 years ago ]

nize nize nize !

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Dante_design 5 [ 6 years ago ]

Nice job. Good and clear. But what's the vertical dark line on the front ? Under main logo.

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FIRE13spotty 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Thanx man! OMG I didn't even realise it was there, I will fix it soon. Thank you for letting me know

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BenBrownDesign 42 [ 6 years ago ]

Aw man, brilliant composition!

Literally my only gripe (and this is totally just personal preference, nothing on your art) is that I hate, with a burning passion, the ugly PC DVD-ROM banner that PC games have, it's so.. ugh xD

But I'm a big fan of this. The composition is just flawless, and the colour scheme, while dark, really pops. Sick job!

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FIRE13spotty 36 [ 6 years ago ]

Dude you have no idea how much your comment means to me ,I really appreciate you typing out your feedback. Thanx Man!!!

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