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[ Box updated on May 15th, 2017 ] [ original ]
John Wick: Chapter 2 Box Cover Comments
Comment on shiraziha's John Wick: Chapter 2 Box Art / Cover.
Looks Nice . . .
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ty matin ;)
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I Like the concept on front and overall good work Amin keep working
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ty bro ;)
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Nice work Amin as Pogo said front concept is nice
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yea ty , front is very hard bro :P 2 days work in front ;)
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If I'm honest, I think there's a good concept there, but it's not been executed that well IMO. The front has a nice idea, but the two there doesn't really work, and the fog used doesn't blend in that well un my opinion. Also, the sparks on both front and back don't really fit with the cold color scheme. The back could use a better layout as well, it doesn't really feel like it has a good structure to it, a simpler layout could work better by removing both Ruby Rose and the 8.1/10 score, and just having a synopsis of the movie. Also, you misspelled "devil". Overall, not a bad box but certainly not one of my favourites from you. Sorry if I seemed too harsh on this.
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very very ty dear frank . i remove sparks and 8.1 and ruby rose , and again fit fog
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I think the concept of this is nice, but the execution needs some refinement. I noticed that you keep using that 'Features' box in a lot of your designs and would actually have liked you to treat that part as part of the design. Secondly, the headline would work better if shifted a bit more right because that void of white space is very blaring and having the headline moved a bit will help mellow it out.
Also, there is a typo in the second headline. 'Never stab the devi*L*' in the back'. The L is missing. Also the splatter doesn't really work with the rest of the design that you have behind the summary. I understand you applied it there for legibility, but something that mimicked more of the fog like blur that the bottom front has would work better.
Other than that, this is nice. Color is lovely and composition is pretty good. Great work.
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ty dear lucid ;) i very happy for feedback u and frank , i change devil and features style and overal . ty ;)
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I would have to agree with Frank and Luci nice concept but has its flaws.
When I look at the front I read it as "2 John Wick Mick"
The back just seems very empty
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ty vincent , update cover ;)
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wow , very very ty for feedback . update cover ;)
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ty bro ;)
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It's so nice... ;)
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ty bro ;)
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I like this design really.
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ty ;)
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Congrats amin . . .
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ty matin ;)
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