The back of this was annoying me so much I just decided to give up and post it. The structure is bugging me a lot so feedback would be appreciated.
So, here it is I guess. A lot of stuff here is custom made (the background, logo, etc.) though I used Martiniii332's Blu Ray template and part of iman pro's, some of Ulquiorra's renders and mark_inou's Harley render.
On a side note, despite being in the minority, I actually loved this movie.
Suicide Squad Box Cover Comments
Comment on TheTombRaider's Suicide Squad Box Art / Cover.
I have yet to see the movie, but it has had mixed reviews. I think it turned out well, though the little speech bubble may be drawing too much attention on the front. Other than that, it's pretty solid and looks quite legit. I do like how the back turned out, even though you seem annoyed by it.
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Thanks, Lucid! :)
Yeah I see what you mean about the speech bubble, though I was stuck on what to fill that empty space with. Since it's one of my favourite moments in the movie, it was hard to resist including it.
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@TheTombRaider I don't think it's the speech bubble itself, but the color. The bright white sticks out. Idk. Or, I would play around and scale it a bit. Just a thought.
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Yeah I agree with this, I caught my attention very quickly. Maybe darken the colour of the speech bubble so it's not so in your face?
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@TheTombRaider I think by adding some sort of grungy/scratchy brush filter, could make the text bubble less cleaner and it will draw less attention in the end.
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man jared leto sure is a crazy guy he sent margot robbie a dead rat he sure is insane he's so much like the joker haha
but it could be worse, you could always be batman vs superman
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Love it, looks amazing! I really liked it too, maybe the bad reviews put my expectations low but it's a good watch.
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Being one of the few who actually really liked Batman V Superman, I was very disappointed in this movie.
If only it was as much cool as your box. Great job!
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Big Bang Design.
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I love front more than back , very creative .Good job.
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Thanks guys! ^^
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Good comics style. Nice and colorful work. Well done !
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I really liked this movie as well! Margot is such a perfect Harley Quinn! I really like the style you took to this box as well, feels very comic like in its appearance and holds lot of cool little details.
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Couldn't agree more about Margot, she pretty much made the movie great. Thanks! ^^
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this is great dude. enjoyed the movie too.
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I love this cover and i think more, i think the back need a hero render. When you use at least one character render , it`s help for more focus on back. You can put one render (maybe two) character between two screenshot. or you can make a comical theme on back and add some speech bubble with humor text. I have one idea for title of back. You can cut and slice them (like logo on front). The back is full of face, i think reduce some of them and change theme with characters is better.
About presentation, i think cut Will Smith`s render and put it on left side (next to the harly queen), it help focus on back is more then front.
I really really love front, you did it perfectly. I think the sounds of HOF are coming! :)
Good job bro <3
(Excuse me for my poor English , i used Google translator)
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Great job on the cover I just wish the movie was good.
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Congrats dude
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Didn't expect this one at all. Thanks a lot!
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nice movie and nice box ;)
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