game PlayStation 3 » Deus Ex : Human Revolution Box Cover
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Deus Ex : Human Revolution box art cover
By avatar iman pro 50 on April 6th, 2016
print No Printable Available

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[ Box updated on April 7th, 2016 ] [ original ]

comments Deus Ex : Human Revolution Box Cover Comments

Comment on iman pro's Deus Ex : Human Revolution Box Art / Cover.

DARK SPARK 44 [ 8 years ago ]

great job. hof is incoming. this deserve hof

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DigitalBurger 37 [ 8 years ago ]

How Are You Friend?
I Like this design.

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Trevor Phillips 5 8 [ 8 years ago ]

it's just a nuclear bomb..........)) well done

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

It was about a year ago that we shared the things we had against Amir-013 in forum and this action forced spiderpig to ban amir 013
But this time he's not going to ban this shit iman pro
Again we shared every thing against him and his all accounts and you know those are his all accounts, but spiderpig doesn't want to accept and ban this shit, I hope you will help us in this cuz we won't leave this situation if iman pro continue his works here

FUCK YOU Spider pig and iman_pro(ashole)

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

Roo ke nist saange pa ghaazvine :I

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Detective kose nanat iman baz user jadid sakhti , nane jende

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DARK SPARK 44 [ 8 years ago ]

Your situation is disgusting amin. stop it and Forget everything what happened, start again.start A new chapter of your Career life amin.

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 shakhe maajazi naagaeidim

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@DARK SPARK he did this more than before link

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 bht tosie mikonm bezaani be chak...
chon paarchaamet oumaade paein va dige kaasi vase haarfet hich aarzeshi ghael nis...

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DARK SPARK 44 [ 8 years ago ]

@Detective i think that website is, oooooooom!!!!??? Nothing. forget that

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Detective kose nanat iman

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lucidhalos 43 [ 8 years ago ]

This is really nice. I love the front.

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

just fuck off bitch , iman_baby spiderpig

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Martiniii332 49 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 this is what we're resorting to now?

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Martiniii332 just ban iman_pro and i go

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Steve8492 44 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 You're annoying. Why can't you just piss off?

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Paper 41 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 do you not get tired of being this pathetic on a constant basis?

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 we could say the same to you, "fuck off bitch", nobody cares.

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 melaat koskhol shodn :I

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Detective 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Detective link

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@Detective madaret kos khol shode iman , harf dahaneto befahm madar jende , in sitam barname nevisish tamom 1mahe dige ke omad kamel bala , mifahmi ba dostat bodan behtar bod , bye

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iman pro 50 [ 8 years ago ]

thanks lucid I'm glad you like it.
How's going aminhajizadeh (shirazihaa) ? What's up yo ?

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@iman pro kose madaret lashi , nanato migam .

iman pro , your mother pussy pink

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XCore 42 [ 8 years ago ]

@Spiderpig29 lol get a fucking life son

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Vince_1990 47 [ 8 years ago ]

Great work iman, love the black and white different sides it's a cool idea.

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Sarashi 46 [ 8 years ago ]

It looks cool but I don't know why Adam is blue whereas the rest of the box is yellow. It sorta looks colour-inverted as well

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Bastart 49 [ 8 years ago ]

I like the structure on the front and the layout on the back. I only feel the blue and yellow from the front (the lights, background pattern and the eidos logo) feel a bit out of tone comparing it to the much darker color scheme on the back, in other words it looks quite disconnected from the back.

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TheTombRaider 46 [ 8 years ago ]

The back looks really cool, but I'm not so sure on the front. It seems disconnected from the back in my opinion, and the colour change from yellow on the shapes to blue on the render is a little off-putting.

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iman pro 50 [ 8 years ago ]

Box updated like what you said hope you like it :)

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pogo 44 [ 8 years ago ]

It looks very nice, I liked the combination of black and white, mainly the spine, I have a only one Suggestion ,You have to use dots in front of their color should be light black I am not sure about this
overall great stuff iman

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iman pro 50 [ 8 years ago ]

Thanks pogo

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Monetman1 36 [ 8 years ago ]

Nice work Iman! I'm glad you fixed those yellow lines in the background. Did you take my advice I gave to you a while back? Anyway looks fantastic and it would be no surprise to me if this got a hall of fame in the near future. Keep up the good work! :)

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iman pro 50 [ 8 years ago ]

thanks thomas! yeah I did your advice and changed the background.

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Spiderpig29 1 [ 8 years ago ]

@iman pro ko*se nanat

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matingsm 50 [ 7 years ago ]

Congrats Bro, very well deserved . . .

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iman pro 50 [ 7 years ago ]

Thanks bro

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shiraziha 50 [ 7 years ago ]

congrats dear iman ;) and sorry for all old comment

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iman pro 50 [ 7 years ago ]

thanks amin, The past is gone don't think about it.

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TomWilson 1 [ 3 years ago ]

best cover designer i ever seen
i love to buy all your covers printable available, masterpiece works man.
you are great designer.

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