Credit to: for the logo,
deiviuxs and Sens for the box,
alejit0, from deviantArt for ALL the Spider-Man renders,
Grand for the Marvel logo,
Cerium for the Activision logo
Marvel for the comics,
and all the guys on the forums for helping me out.
The Sensational Spider-Man Box Cover Comments
Comment on Lokao0's The Sensational Spider-Man Box Art / Cover.
As I said before man, this is great. Nice job, and thanks for using the WiP forums.
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Good job, but try using a different font for the description text.
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I agree. Plus I don't know if a gray title is a good idea. But the whole design is nicely done. It's not easy when you want to create a box for a game that does not exists.
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The whole design is really great, nice work
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I really like the front, I'm not so sure about the slanted text and screenshot though? it goes well with the angle of the comic book background, but I personally don't like to read text in such an angle.
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Great job on the boxarting project. Renders are great and overall design is very nice.
Good luck on becoming good box artist.
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He's skinny. Too skinny. It's awesome.
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I'm loving the front!
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I need to learn how to do this. .-.
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