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Final Fantasy XIII-2 box art cover
By avatar Icyfirefists 34 on November 26th, 2011

[ Box updated on November 30th, 2011 ] [ original ]

comments Final Fantasy XIII-2 Box Cover Comments

Comment on Icyfirefists's Final Fantasy XIII-2 Box Art / Cover.

Icyfirefists 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

I know i had a huge debacle before and kinda made loads of noise, but i know better now.

I know i've also made several boxes for this game, but what can i say i'm a fanatic.

My goal was to take on a classic FF white theme, without making it the boring white. So i made it pink. I used the newest render of lightning, i used the newer render of serah and i used a coccoon blend wallpaper and blended it with the overall pink of the background. The crystals come from the quote wallpaper where lightning said that in the world where she once existed, time's path is no longer certain. i think i accomplished my goal for this one.

I really hope you enjoy this work of mine.

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madoublex 30 [ 1 decade ago ]

Wow, it looks beautiful.

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D_Nikolaos 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

Agreed an absolutely astounding Case!

Edited at 1 decade ago

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twoxT 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Honestly it is a bit plain for me.

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Abrao 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

The front is great, but the back is... well... empty. Plus I'm not sure the font chosen on the back is the best.

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silver_spirit 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Printable Please !

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Icyfirefists 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thank you. I updated it. I changed the font to something more legible and i put dev logos on, seeing as i forgot to put them on before.

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Deathmania 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Pretty good front, but the font still distracts from the overall look of the back. Try using the final fantasy font link for the tagline and maybe you can add the ratings for the game in the extra space between the tagline and the description.

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sunrise19 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Printable Please !

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deiviuxs 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Ok, well the front is ok to me. Simple but works. The back could use some more work though. The reflections on screenshots are necessary and outer glow on text puts me off.
Also, that presentation is really distracting to me. If you have a bright box I would go with darker presentation so there is some contrast and you can see the edges of the box.

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roza 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

Pretty impressive, my only gripes are the shield crossing to the spine (it just looks off to me) and the back could have a tad more to it. Still great

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Icyfirefists 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8 - Thank you so much, but i think i will keep the font i currently have. It's distracting in a good way to me. Idk about ratings but i'll try that on my next box.

#9 - Thanks. Don't know if i'll be making a printable.

#10 Yo thanks man(girl? what are you by the way. I've always wondered.). You have a HUUGE point. The bright backgroun nd was very attractive to me, but i decided to darken it at your suggestion. i won't say it looks better, but it does make the box stand out. The screenshots, well i didnt want to border them as the box was pretty and i didnt want to put a glow or shadow because the box was too bright, so i just used the same idea i used for my screenshots on my FFX box. Thank you so much though.

#11 Thanks a bunch. Yeah i see what you mean about the shield, but i dont really want to interrupt the flow of color. Um...the back. Well i wanted to keep it simple in truth. And also, i couldnt find anything that i would have wanted to use, because in the background of the back, there is a very very very faded cocoon. Almost impossible to see. And that was supposed to mix in with the wallpaper. I appreciate your outlook on my box. I'll remember to save those advises for later.

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Hatty 36 [ 1 decade ago ]

The layout of the back is nice, but seems generic and plain. I might also be biased by the style
XIII-2 is going for, i just hate it. However, its a solid box, and I like your sig!

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Icyfirefists 34 [ 1 decade ago ]

#13 Thank you. I was actually going for the FF plain, just slightly enhanced.

What style do you mean?

Thanks. I was excited when i made it.

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Ronthis the Werewolf 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

Eh, I'm not feeling it with the font on the back, try changing it to the one #8 suggested. Try adding some screenborders to the screenshots, and get rid of the reflection. Make the Features text a little bigger and more visible. Try to fix the other problems that everyone else suggested too.

Overall, not a bad box. This could be a great piece of artwork if you fix those problems.

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swe 08 39 [ 1 decade ago ]

The front looks really good, but the back could use some work.

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teo123inamoski 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

this is extremely great! gahhh!!!!
lots of respectS!!!

[email protected]

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