You should really tell who you need to credit. Just putting "[Credit]" doesn't give them the credit at all. It sure doesn't tell me who made it, and what part of the box isn't yours.
As for the box, the front is actually pretty good. A few things I don't care for though. The logo looks pretty odd. Maybe it's just the font, or colors you used. It just doesn't seem to fit. The "Limited Edition" part seems really out of place too. The back isn't bad, but it's not near as good as the front. The renders look pretty good in the background, but I don't like the gradients very much, or the low opacity words over the entire back. The justification of the text could be a little better too, and the placement. The tagline also looks really randomly placed, and the color doesn't go with the rest of the box at all. It's better than your past few, but it could still use some work.
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You should really tell who you need to credit. Just putting "[Credit]" doesn't give them the credit at all. It sure doesn't tell me who made it, and what part of the box isn't yours.
As for the box, the front is actually pretty good. A few things I don't care for though. The logo looks pretty odd. Maybe it's just the font, or colors you used. It just doesn't seem to fit. The "Limited Edition" part seems really out of place too. The back isn't bad, but it's not near as good as the front. The renders look pretty good in the background, but I don't like the gradients very much, or the low opacity words over the entire back. The justification of the text could be a little better too, and the placement. The tagline also looks really randomly placed, and the color doesn't go with the rest of the box at all. It's better than your past few, but it could still use some work.
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Sorry, but this is just completely unapealing to me. It's just so weird, dark, and unorginized.
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#2 Okay, I see what you're saying.
#3 I can respect that.
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#4, If you see what he's saying, then give the credits...
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*Sigh* Fine:
Template - Jevangod
Renders - Sonicretro
Fonts(All) -
Sprites - MFZ
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5/5 great work
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Oh thanks #7 :D
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