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Call of Duty: Black Ops box art cover
By avatar maxsims 5 on August 27th, 2010
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comments Call of Duty: Black Ops Box Cover Comments

Comment on maxsims's Call of Duty: Black Ops Box Art / Cover.

maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

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This is my first Call of Duty box, and it's also my first printable. I would add more things, but my dinosaur computer and are way too slow with printables.

EDIT: The printable is too big, I can't put in on VGBoxArt. But if you really want to see it or print it, then send me your email (here or in a PM) and I'll send it to you.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

OK, you do know Ghost ISN'T in Black Ops? Because his presence there really puts me off the entire box, plus the fact you've made him the centre point of it all really puts me off this box. To make things worse, you seem to have AGAIN gotten MW2 and Black Ops confused,one of the screens on the back is from MW2, not Black Ops. Seriously, just Google Call Of Duty Black Ops then there are LOADS of screens and art available. Update this please, add more colour, sort out the borders on the screens, and get rid of Ghost, then It'll be good.
btw. I like the glow on the logo.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, Sorry dude, but no one cares if the screens are from MW2 or BO. They are so small nobody can see the difference. And I know Ghost isn't in Black Ops, I just wanted to put him there. It's not supposed to be an official box, remember? Anyway, thanks for the tips.

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TwistRox 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Some credit would be nice, you know. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you've used my Ghost render and my Call of Duty Black Ops logo, so some credit will be nice.
Thank you.

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maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

Omg I forgot!! I'll add it soon. So sorry.

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Vaderkid123 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, It still makes a huge difference. It may not be official, bur it should still look like it could be, which means the screenshots have to be from the same game, characters that aren't in the game shouldn't be all over the box, etc. Don't try to justify this amateur mistakes jsut cause the box is not "official"

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maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#6, No, it doesn't make any difference. People make SSBB boxarts with master chief and random characters in it, will you blame them for this? And BTW, this is not an amateur mistake. Before making the box, I knew Ghost wasn't in BO, but I wanted him in the game. It's my choice to put him on the box. Sure, some things would be nonsense (like putting Sackboy in a GOW box, or putting Ratchet in an Assassins Creed box), but this makes sense; Ghost was in MW2.
WHO'S THE FARTFACE NOW!?!? lol joke.
But seriously, who cares? If you don't like it, don't troll it.

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Vaderkid123 20 [ 1 decade ago ]

#7, It very clearly does make a difference, and all those SSBB boxarts that do have Master chief in them are completely wrong. It may be your choice to put it on your box, but it looks terrible, considering black ops has no connection to MW2 and ghost could have absolutely no relation with black ops even if it did. Don't try to justify that ghost is on the box because other people do it on boxes specifically designed to be crossover games, where as yours is a stand-alone installment in a series, with no relation to the character portrayed all over your box. It makes a huge difference, and the screenshots DO need to be from the correct game. I mean for God's sake, with all the resources available for Black Ops, there is absolutely no excuse for this. Also it appears that everyone whose commented on this box cares, cause you know, everyones said something about how it makes the box looks terrible, yet you have your head too far up your own ass to give a shit.

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ZombieDeadpool8 23 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8, couldn't have made it clearer myself. sort it out Maxims, you may not care, but at the end of the day the Commenter is always right, we give the FAVs, so you listen to our comments and accept them, if you can't take criticism don't bother posting.

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maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

#8, You know what? I don't care anymore. I'm not gonna ignore your post. In fact, I'm gonna learn from your comments, and next time I make a box, I'll retouch every detail. I mean, you're right. If I make a box for myself (like this one), I shouldn't post it.
Anyway, I'm sorry about my being. Maybe it's because of my teen hormones, or just because I'm a real pain in the ass.

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