game PlayStation 3 » Castlevania : Lords of Shadow Box Cover
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Castlevania : Lords of Shadow box art cover
By avatar Sens 38 on August 1st, 2010

[ Box updated on August 1st, 2010 ] [ original ]

comments Castlevania : Lords of Shadow Box Cover Comments

Comment on Sens's Castlevania : Lords of Shadow Box Art / Cover.

Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Just added 300 dpi printable ;)

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Throavium 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Very nice presentation.

The back looks weird because it's slightly hiding behind the front, but I guess it was designed that way, since it's your temp.

You also removed the connection settings, cool.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]


You can see the back fully on the printable :)

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Throavium 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#3, Yah, printable is hot.

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Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Slight thumbnail update (still rusty lol!) =]

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Throavium 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Looks better now.

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Indexenos 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

I'm glad you're back. I really missed your high-quality covers.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thank you so much! ^_^

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Skyrunner 33 [ 1 decade ago ]


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jesse777 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

Damn good job sens!

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Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks guys, cant wait to start my next now! =]

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GraveHeart521 1 [ 1 decade ago ]


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Sentry 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

Ah hell no, I was just making a Castlevania Lords of Shadow box.
Great work none the less.

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maxsims 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is at least HoF. IMO it should be a Masterwork, but anyway awesome job on this box, I'll surely grab the printable... when I'll get this game XD

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sd1833 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

I would have preferred a more interesting spine, but the rest is obviously of the best quality. Nice touch with the flaming chains.

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Sens 38 [ 1 decade ago ]

Thanks for the awesome feedback guys! The reasoning for the spine is that I try to make my boxes suitable for retail and in pal territories the spines tend to follow this format.

I am going to be producing my first 360 box next =]

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Spiderpig24 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is just incredible. The dark colors fit the game well, and the flames really add a lot to the box. What you did with the logo looks very awesome too.

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TwistRox 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

How would one put it... this box is on fire! Or, this box is hot! Lol, very good job and I am glad your back.+author fav

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DeathSpawn11 47 [ 1 decade ago ]

Worst box I've ever laid eyes on.

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Midnight 36 [ 1 decade ago ]

Especially like the fire effects.

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del337er 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Very professional, I love the fire

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qwerty334 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

Very awesome.

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Spiderpig24 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats on the Hall of Fame!

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Drakxxx 46 [ 1 decade ago ]

Great work sir. Congrats.

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hsoldier 44 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is really sleek and proffesional! nice one Sens!

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Pan 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Didn't get to comment on this all day, but I love it. : )

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Throavium 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#16, What are you gonna do? :o

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szymeq17 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Incredible, i dont like game but this cover is fantastic

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sd1833 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Congrats man, again excellent work on this and I'll be looking out for your 360 case.

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shadysaiyan 42 [ 1 decade ago ]

Fire seems kinda random in both instances but it's still good.

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Altair 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

Great as usual.

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luce399 3 [ 1 decade ago ]

This is amazing...but I kinda wish I had the PSD so I can put the American ESRB rating on it.

I love this boxart but It would look weird in my collection :(

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KazuhirO 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

I rather have this Box then the One in stores! U people Really Put hearts into your work i am getting very inspired to Do some work myself. Damn this is shweeet! Like i would pay for this Box just to switch out the one u get from the store. Seriously!

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