game PlayStation 3 » Left 4 Dead 2 Box Cover
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Left 4 Dead 2 box art cover
By avatar ManBearPig 19 on August 4th, 2009
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[ Box updated on August 5th, 2009 ] [ original ]

comments Left 4 Dead 2 Box Cover Comments

Comment on ManBearPig's Left 4 Dead 2 Box Art / Cover.

ManBearPig 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

I want to point out that the front is NOT just a wallpaper. It's heavily edited, and to prove that, here is the original wallpaper: link

Anyways, this one took a lot of blending and layer work and I'm satisfied how it turned out. If you find any "screw-ups" I overlooked in the making of this box (sorry, I'm tired lol), please let me know.

Hasta la vista, baby.

EDIT: And btw, the reason the "Only on PS" logo is there is:

1. I needed something to take up space.

2. There's some irony in it. :)

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Pan 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

Try and make the screen shots on the back look a little moree noticeable, they look too blended in. The front is pretty decent though.

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Silent Oblivion 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

Good work, I love that front, and the back is pretty nice to.

Though I agree with Pan about the screens.

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firebert626 29 [ 1 decade ago ]

Looks kind of like a Special Edition, its very good

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Nerdysimmer 41 [ 1 decade ago ]

Agreeing to what Pan said. The front looks pretty good, has a neat concept, and the color scheme matches the game well. The back feels empty though, with the screenshots' opacity too low.

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ManBearPig 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

About the screenshots, I really took strides NOT to make them just square boxes, and to give them a different feel. But, I will higher the opacity of the screenshots and add some more words to the back, or something.

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ManBearPig 19 [ 1 decade ago ]

Updated it. Gave the image more space, and fixed some things you guys commented about.

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