game Nintendo DS » Pokemon: Blue Whirlpool Edition Box Cover
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Pokemon:  Blue Whirlpool Edition box art cover
By avatar lettman8520 1 on July 14th, 2009
print No Printable Available

comments Pokemon: Blue Whirlpool Edition Box Cover Comments

Comment on lettman8520's Pokemon: Blue Whirlpool Edition Box Art / Cover.

lettman8520 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

Yea hi there users of the site, umm im new here and well this is my very first box made in paint.NET so plz give suggestions on the box oh BTW the logo says Pokemon Blue Whirlpool Edition

Edited at 1 decade ago

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KOF 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

i dont really like it, the back is squished and why the hell is this an english template, english text on the back and a Japanese front WTF???

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lettman8520 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, yea sorry about that im still new to this box thing, oh and i just like the Japanese logos better than the english

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Akoolgie800 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

To tell you the truth, i really like the front on this box. The box could use some work though...

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Vegeta1056 28 [ 1 decade ago ]

For a first it's ok. Just keep on working and you'll become a better artist.

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KOF 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

btw i like the front too =O

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lettman8520 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4,5,6 thnks, im still leearning with paint.NET

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