game Nintendo DS » The world Ends with you two Box Cover
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The world Ends with you two box art cover
By avatar chaostick101 1 on July 12th, 2009
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[ Box updated on July 14th, 2009 ] [ original ]

comments The world Ends with you two Box Cover Comments

Comment on chaostick101's The world Ends with you two Box Art / Cover.

chaostick101 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

I think you guys will think It's terrible. My first box so I missed things out, go harsh if you want. I'll make a better version based on comments and such, I'm not gonna bitch if you say it isn't good or anything like that.

Edited at 1 decade ago

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Diva 7 [ 1 decade ago ]

It's nice?
I'm not sure what to think about it but otherwise, it's kinda nice expect from the 2.

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Mariolee 43 [ 1 decade ago ]

Good for a first, but try using a different template, possibly some tutorials on youtube, and dev logos.

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chaostick101 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

So, I tried adding a cartridge.
Oh, and I added some ESRB logo's to look realistic

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